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ios 16.2

  1. J

    iOS 16.2 - Notification Bug

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone got this weird issue, too. Beginning with iOS 16.1 or so, my notifications on my iPhone 14 Pro Max gets displayed as they were from iPhones before the iPhone X - in "squared boxes". Since the iPhone X (Notch & DynamicIsland) notifications get a more "rounded"...
  2. eternalpeasant

    iOS 16.2 CarPlay Battery Drain iPhone 14 Pro Max

    Hi Guys, Ever since iOS 16.2 was released I am seeing crazy amounts of battery drain while connected to CarPlay. I have AOD off and not even navigation, just listening to music through Youtube Music app. I did a test this morning, charged my iPhone 14 Pro Max to 100%, connected to my car (BMW...
  3. janezblond

    Two stage manager/external display related bugs (as of 16.2)

    Even after doing a DFU restore and setting my iPad Pro as new, I’m still running into two bugs that I have not seen mentioned anywhere, so I wanted to check if others have stumbled into them as well. While using stage manager, the dock will at random times (feels like about once an hour, though...
  4. T

    Empty notifications after update to iOS 16.2

    Hi, I turn to you guys because I haven't found a thread talking about empty notifications :( After the update to 16.2 (edit: on an iPhone 14 Pro Max if that matters) I the issue where some notifications show up blank as in the image below. The phone has already recognized my face at that time...
  5. hyperbolic

    Thoughts on Contacts, Calendar, Mail non-encryption in iOS 16.2

    Apple’s increased end-to-end encryption in iOS 16.2 is a great thing, and long overdue. It’s a real shame they are not going all the way and still leaving Contacts, Calendars, and Mail out of the E2E encryption. The “interoperability” reasoning they give for this is completely bogus...