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ios photos

  1. gbf

    photo bug with messages and icloud

    this is just really grating on my nerves as well as I'm sure yours...this is a HUGE BUG...with all the money we spend a year on phones, why isn't Tim Cook mandating that his engineers have a fix for this, two days ago?? they should be embarrassed about this iOS 15 BS... I have to NOT delete...
  2. 840quadra

    Photos taken with Older iOS devices (2017 and older devices)

    With all the hype on the new iPhone 13, and Pro model recently, I am wondering how many others keep some older iOS devices lying around, and still feel they have some good photography life in them. I tend to be a bit of a collector myself and while comparing cameras on newer iOS devices for...
  3. M. Gustave

    Photos app: jagged image edges

    I just noticed this issue on my iPhone 7, in 11.0.2. I imported some jpeg images from my Canon camera, and noticed that particularly red and green edges are all jagged and pixelated in the iOS Photos app. Here’s a cropped screenshot from the Photos app, see the green bottle: I checked on the...
  4. T

    iPhone iphone ios 9 not put photos on Facebook in the album "iOS photos"

    I have a problem a few months, already researched in all over the place and found nothing that worked. I see people posting pictures on Facebook in the "iOS photos" and appears next to the posting time tagged "iOS". I've done everything but did not get at all post this folder and bring up the...