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logo design

  1. developer_black_code

    Universal Fast Ai Logo Maker

    Logoify - Ai Logo Maker Ai Logo Maker - Logo Designer is your go-to app for creating stunning logos effortlessly. Whether you're a small business owner, a startup enthusiast, or a creative individual looking to establish a brand identity, LogoGenius has you covered. Download Now Free...
  2. H

    The Story Behind The Bite In Apple's Logo

    I always thought it was a tribute to Alan Turing, or a reference to Adam and Eve or Newton. Apparently it's not that deep.
  3. saiful

    [Experienced Help needed]-How to attract buyer again after a Long Time Break on Market place?

    Hello Senior Designer, I’m very anxious on how to get people again to my gig, how i’m start again? I took a 8 months break from (fi***), And I can’t get any buyer now though i’m much more experienced comparing previews even double times, but if there’s no traffic on it now, there probably more...