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media sharing

  1. W

    Remote file sharing on Mac

    Is there any way that I can share files and folders with my family by turning my Mac mini into some kind of server letting everyone in the family connect from their devices remotely? I would like to avoid paying monthly for an app that does this if possible – I've searched online and wasn't...
  2. W

    Mac TV app not seeing shared media - Is this just not a thing?

    Perhaps I'm misremembering, but back in the good ol' days of iTunes, I though we used to be able to access our shared media libraries, including Movies and TV, right in iTunes. I'm familiar with accessing my shared media library (stored on my Mac mini) on the Apple TV, but I was hoping that...
  3. R

    Fix Media Sharing in Catalina

    I recently migrated my Windows 10 iTune library to Catalina. Wound up as easy as copying the directory off of a windows share to my external iMac drive. My issue was I could not get my Apple TV 4K to view my photo folder that I also brought over from Windows. Wound up the issue was the Apple TV...