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memory pressure

  1. Z

    Memory Pressure Turns Yellow Without Any Swap Is Used

    I thought memory pressure would only turns yellow after swap was used. But I was wrong. Today, memory pressure turned yellow but the swap was zero. It was caused by Xcode when I was previewing an iOS app's SwiftUI view. So it means that my system encounter its limit? My Mac: Mac mini M1...
  2. D

    Resolved RAM Usage, Swap Files, SSD Degradation...

    There have been a lot of posts on the above subject scattered throughout the Apple Silicon, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro fora and so I decided to delve deeper into the close to 9-year-old 512GB SSD of my heavily used MacBook Pro that has 16GB RAM. So far I have established that at a typical time...
  3. amdura

    Memory Pressure Running High

    Hello, When I run the activity monitor, my memory pressure seems to be running high. There are many "Google Chrome Helpers" running and I don't know what that means. After closing many tabs, my Macbook is not lagging nearly as much, but it is still in the yellow zone (as opposed to red, or...