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  1. R

    Cloning old Macbook Pro to a newer one AND preserving old Catalina and compatible apps

    Hello everyone, I've been a MacOS user since several years, lately on a Macbook Pro Late 2013 where I've been careful to stay with Catalina since I have installed a few apps (especially Adobe) which are in old versions (not available anymore) and wouldn't almost certainly install and/or work on...
  2. Z

    when the TM migrating data will not fit

    I want to use my TMachine backup to migrate/transfer files i had in my iMac using 2ssds (1TB and 500GB) to my Mac Mini that only has a 250GB ssd. What are my options cause obviously the data from the 2 ssds will not fit.
  3. F

    Resolved Creating second primary user account

    Hi, I have too many problems with my main user account, and I want to migrate all my data + settings to a new user account and set it as admin and lastly remove the current account. Please help thanks.
  4. R

    iMac 2007: migrating old HD's contents to another identical machine?

    My old '07 iMac freezes instantly on startup and I have confirmed that it's not the hard disk nor the RAM, so I'm gonna sell it as spare parts. One day I happened to come by a very cheap identical one and decided to take it. I have taken out the old machine's hard disk: because the machine...
  5. J

    Live Photos - Moving from one library to another

    Hi! Is there any way, or what is the best way to move live photos from one Photos library to another? I have a load of old pictures from an older phone I had uploaded to a mac, forgot about and now want to move them -intact- into my main library. So far when I try to export them, they show as...
  6. Yoms

    How "clean" is it to use Migration Assistant to configure a new Mac?

    Hi, Imagine you a have a newly purchased Mac with the latest version of macOS and an old Mac that you configured nicely over time (i.e all System, Safari, Finder, etc. preferences configured to taste). Using Migration Assistant, will it blindly transfer everything from the older Mac to the new...
  7. W

    Migrating from iPhoto to... what?

    I have an iPhoto library that contains about 65,000 images. I rely heavily on iPhoto's proprietary features, and have been since I started using the first version of iPhoto when Apple released it well over a decade ago. Apple's concept of a well-designed "digital shoebox" has proven itself...
  8. P

    Mac Mini 2010 won't boot

    After migrating from a Mac Mini 2009 (OS X El Capitan) to a newer one (OS X Mountain Lion), we restarted it, and it's not booting. We already tried booting with Cmd-S and Cmd-R. Cmd-R doesn't work, because this mac is refurbished and has no recovery HD. Please help!
  9. R

    Migrating the iTunes library (non-default location)

    A search seems to mostly bring up guides on how to move the iTunes library with migration assistant or otherwise restore it into a default location, but since I don't store things in the default location, it turned out to be a bit harder to find resolutions. Over the years, I have done so much...