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mouse movement

  1. T

    Monterey jumpy mouse cursor

    Hi! I'm experiencing jumpy mouse behaviour in Monterey. The cursor jumps multiple pixels (maybe 2-3 px) at once when moving at slow speed and in an erratic manner, which is very distracting. It looks as if it hangs until some distance was travelled and then jumps that distance at once. This has...
  2. L

    mx master 3 pointer speed and precision feels bad. what settings do you use for it ?

    mbp 14,but was same on mba m1. i cant seem to find the right speed between built-in mouse settings,and logitech options+ ones,it feels stuttering,and not precise.either too slow or too fast ,what settings do you guys use ? belo are screenshots of the two sliders that can be modified
  3. barkins

    2018 MacBook Pro Stuttering Mouse

    I just bought a new MacBook Pro, 2018 model and I'm experiencing a stuttering mouse situation. The mouse is plugged in via USB using a dock. I tried using the trackpad and I'm still experiencing the issue. Anyone else run into this? Thanks
  4. M

    Mouse stutter on macbook pro with external 4k display

    Hi I noticed that when moving mouse quiet often it get's stuck for a split second. I'm using latest macOS (but the same problem was before upgrade from 10.13.4), I have macbook pro with radeon 555 (mid 2017) I saw that behavior only with when I'm using 4k external display with scaling (I scale...
  5. iEMH

    nTBMBp Login Screen Keyboard and Mouse delay

    Hi All, I was wondering if anyone is having this issue. When I turn my non emoji bar MBP 2016, at the login screen, the keyboard response per key and mouse movement have a significant delay. Both the onboard keyboard as well as the bluetooth connected keyboard and Mmouse2. (if they even...
  6. R

    Erractic mouse behaviour driving me nuts!

    Okay, this is bizarre & annoying... a couple of days ago (can't connect it with anything I installed or anything like that) my mouse movement went weird. It jumps, it lags, it won't move then jumps etc etc. Tried replacing batteries, restarting everything, but still it happens. Annoying thing is...
  7. PinkyMacGodess

    MacPro4,1 and bluetooth appears to be dying.

    I've got a MacPro4,1, and in the past month or so the Bluetooth seems to be having issues. They started with what I can only describe as 'graininess' when moving the mouse. Like it's on cobblestones or something. Sometimes it slightly jerks across the screen, and lags a little. I've turned the...