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mp3 to iphone

  1. Slartibart

    How to add mp3 to media library in Apple Music

    gentlepersons, can somebody be so kind and described a way to add your own MP3s to Apple Music‘s media library on an iPad WITHOUT access to any other device besides said iPad? More details: my parents have bought some music on Amazon and downloaded it. The mp3-files are accessible and playable...
  2. Rare455

    WALTR 2 | Drag & Drop Files to iPhone, iPad, iPod w/o iTunes

    Hi everyone! My name is Josh, one of the makers of WALTR 2. We’ve introduced the 1st iteration of our app 6 years ago. And the embargo review was actually here — on MacRumors (Thanks, Juli Clover, for giving us a shot)! I know we should have started a thread like this years ago, but it’s...