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multiple users

  1. A

    Fix "The maximum number of logged in user accounts has been reached"

    Hello, I am trying to run a mac that will be used by multiple users. macOS allows up to 5 users to be logged in simultaneously. If a 6th user try to login, an error message appear with the following message: "The maximum number of logged in users has been reached". Hence, one of the 5 users...
  2. F

    iPhone 11 HomePods, Home App, iPhone

    Hello. Happy NY everyone. I have not been able to find a solution (even calling Apple) to my problem. We have a few HomePods and iPhone users in my home. Every HomePod has been setup to a room in the Home App. Everyone has been invited to join the home in the Home App. My son uses his HomePod...
  3. iTundra

    'House' iCloud account for Apple TV's ?

    TV's in our house get all of their programming from Apple TV's on each. These are shared resources. For instance, the TV in our family room - several of us sit down to watch it, not just a single person with their personal iCloud account. Frequently there are questions of 'Dad, can you come sign...
  4. K

    Run Application as Different User

    Greetings, Using MacOS Mojave, I wish to be logged in as one user (on my primary account) but run a second instance of the MAIL application as a separate user. My use case is that I temporarily need to manage a new EMAIL account for a few months -- but I do not wish to simply add this account...