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  1. BeefCake 15

    iPad case that can hold Pencil and a small notebook

    The case has to fit iPad 10.2 Thanks in advance!
  2. W

    Bought a used 2016 MacBook Pro

    He! everyone :), sorry if this post its really bad written or has something out of place its my first post. so I just bought a used late 2016 MacBook Pro 13 inch, its the base specs i5, 8gb of ram and 256 ssd, I liked it because its in really good condition it has none scratches, it only comes...
  3. B

    Notebook Suggestions Please!

    I'm a very visual person. I have to write things down on paper in order to process them efficiently in my head. Ever since I was a kid, I'd spend 30 mins a day outside just writing down my thoughts, connecting dots, and getting stuff out. As I got older, I found this to be a very effective means...
  4. LarsG5

    iMac G5 portable notebook conversion

    Hello, since a Powerbook G5 is a well-known inside joke of Powerpc Macs community, I began to think about creating one myself out of an iMac G5 iSight 17" (A1144). The case is the last of my worries, I'm more concerned about how to get everything up and running in a portable form. So, I've got a...
  5. F

    Favorite Notebook Accessories?

    What are y'all's favorite notebook accessories? Usually i'm doing graphic design, which is difficult to do with the trackpad. I shamelessly carry a wireless USB mouse... I also use a keybodo cover so that I don't have to deal with spills from my coffee, which has happened more than once...
  6. iPaintCode

    Your 15 rMBP Resolution Scaling Preference?

    Calling all professionals who use a 15" Retina MacBook Pro. Talking to others on the small scale I've found many didn't even know the Retina displays scaled great when using higher resolutions. I've been curious for a long time what other working professionals prefer to set their...
  7. S

    Replacement for Notesuite?

    Hi there used to be an app called "Notesuite" which automatically extractes the tasks/todos from a text and displayed them in a separate list. This was perfect for taking minutes in meetings and keeping tracks of tasks. Notesuite is discontinued some time ago. So my question is: there any...
  8. thejepeto

    I have 2 MacBooks and I need Windows for work...

    Unfortunately, my new job requires windows 7 or 8.1 pro. Huge shame since I actually love 10. Furthermore, windows needs to be fully activated so if I can use bootcamp, I'll need a license. Then, I need to send the laptop to be "configured" which costs 150$ because, of course, they don't use a...