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oculus rift

  1. ricardo.felix

    Razer Chroma X + 5700 XT for gaming in BootCamp

    I have a MacBook Pro 15'' 2019 Intel i9 8cores 32GB RAM and a Radeon Pro 560X 4GB graphics card... I recently got into gaming on bootcamp (VR as well) and I was surprised at how well it handled them. But of course I wanted a better gaming experience with better graphics so I ordered an eGPU...
  2. S

    2018 mbp + eGPU + VR = good?

    I’m looking to get into VR, specifically oculus rift (oculus has specific software I’m interested in), but I’ll need to upgrade my equipment. I would love to stay with MacOS but I’m reading that oculus requires windows. Is this still the case with the new 2018 MBPs? Has anyone tried oculus or...
  3. BergerFan

    [Oculus] Try This, if You Have No Image Inside the Headset(27” iMac)!

    If you have sound but no image in your Oculus Rift headset, try this first before buying a new HDMI cable adapter. I couldn’t work out(with the latest AMD drivers)why my games weren’t showing up in the headset itself, but was showing fine on the monitor that the headset was being tracked. I...
  4. Huntn

    VR- Eve: Valkyrie Talk

    Playing with an Occulus Rift on PC, looking for some configuration assistance. I've played the training missions using an xbox 360 controller and I'm not caring for that. I get too much movement from the little joystick, and it does not seem all that accurate for input. I also notice it is so...
  5. Huntn

    OS Neutral Oculus Rift Tips

    Oculus Rift Tips My Hardware- I am using an Oculus Rift on my PC (see signature). Updates 16Oct17- Added two new FAQs about number of sensors, and playing seated or standing. 21Sept 17- Updated with FAQ. Added FAQ Can You Play VR on Your Mac? Table of Contents Links FAQ Setup How Tos...
  6. Crichton333

    [GAME] Nebula Virtual Reality - Space VR Games Collection

    Download Link: • This game is for 3D mobile virtual reality headsets • Use your virtual reality headset to experience the thrill of deep space from the comfort of your own home! Get ready to explore a space...
  7. Crichton333

    [GAME] Undead Zombie Virtual Reality Simulation

    Link: • This game is for Google Cardboard and other 3D mobile virtual reality headsets • Use your virtual reality headset to experience the thrill of fighting a horde of zombies from the comfort of your own...
  8. Crichton333

    Graveyard Shift Virtual Reality Simulation

    Link: • This game is for Google Cardboard and other 3D mobile virtual reality headsets • Use your virtual reality headset to experience the thrill of fighting a horde of zombies from the comfort of your own...
  9. Kim Sanka

    AMD FirePro D500 graphics card (Mac Pro Late 2013) doesn’t meet Oculus Rift’s specifications

    Finally the Oculus Rift is available for pre-order. The people from Oculus provided a Rift compatibility tool for Windows to find out if your PC is compatible. I ran this tool in Bootcamp, on Windows 10 and it appears the pro-level AMD FirePro D500 cards in my expensive Mac Pro (late 2013) don’t...