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  1. Daniel Reed

    Confirmed: Enable Night Shift on 2011 iMac

    Works (for now)! echo "Night Shift Enable Script for Unsupported Macs" echo "version 1.0" echo "Script made by Isiah Johnson (TMRJIJ) / OS X Hackers" I applied and ran Isiah's script on a handful of 2011 iMac desktops today - NO PROBLEMS...
  2. ZNDK

    Using Apple Adjustable Keyboard on macOS Sierra

    Hi, I still use a apple Adjustable Keyboard on macOS Sierra. I have a problem. That macOS doesn't(can't) recognize the Caps Lock key. The LED lamp lights up. The key isn't recognized by the two USB adapter conversion adapter I have and the conversion adapter of another manufacturer of...
  3. Nikasio

    Re-installing OSX on an old white macbook.

    Hi, a friend of mine recently came to me asking if could fix his dad's old macbook, his little brother apparently deleted some of the system apps. he doesn't have any of the CDs that came with the box and i'm unable to install Snow Leopard using my own, Any suggestions? Thanks, this is my first...
  4. L

    Upgrading mid 2012 Macbook pro 13

    Hey guys, I actually wanted to buy the new Macbook pro because my old one is at his limits. But, I am really disappointed with the upgrade and want to wait and look for an alternative. In the meantime, I wanted to upgrade my mid 2012 macbook pro but I have no idea about hardware stuff :( That's...
  5. kasirus

    Universal Vegas Old Slots - FREE Vegas REAL Casino

    :apple:Download; Android; Feel & enjoy the real LAS VEGAS CLASSIC slot machines! Vegas Old Slots is a casino game of the OLD CLASSIC Vegas...
  6. Z

    steps to make when replacing a 6S+

    Suppose an iPhone6S+ needs replacement and everything stored in it is needed to be transfered to the new iPhone device. What are the steps one must take in order not to miss anything?
  7. paulcross22

    Gettting older unsupported apps running

    Hi Guys, Just a quick one- Is there anyway to get older unsupported apps working again? Like mobileme for example? Would there be anyway to get this running with iCloud? Or iChat - anyway to get this working with iMessage? Paul
  8. Braders88

    My iPad 2

    Good Evening Mac Community, I just wanted to shout out in to the community and see how many of you guys and gals are still using the famous and legendary 2011 classic iPad 2? When did you buy your awesome iPad 2? What do you use it for and what are your most used apps? How do you rate the...
  9. Talevski

    Should I upgrade my Macbook 10.6.8 to 10.9

    Hello guys, I am new to mac's because I was curious I bought an old Macbook Pro A1181 with Snow Leopard OS in it, so because Google Chrome isn't supporting old OS up to 10.8 (i think) I want to upgrade this laptop to 10.9 --- I want your opinion what should I do, should I update this mac to 10.9...
  10. S

    What to replace in old iMac?

    Hi everyone, My father recently upgraded to a new iMac and gave me his old one. I restored the system and updated to OS X 10.7.5 (Lion). When using the computer, the screen always seems to glitch, though. While on websites, a part of the screen will freeze in place while the rest works (when...
  11. J

    Price Advice APPLE ///

    I have 3 Apple /// Computers, mouse, keyboard, and monitors. Im curious if someone can tell me what they would be worth? Im trying to get rid of them as they are of no use to me. Can email pictures if needed
  12. I

    What to do with PPC Macs?

    Hey guys we have several PPC Macs, basically replaced by our 8 core Pro, and IPads. Any ideas on what to do with them? Heck even art ideas! Get creative! These are the ones in question... 933mhz Powermac G4 Quicksliver (Leopard) 1.6ghz Powermac G5 (leopard) 1.8ghz IMac G5 White (Tiger) 700mhz...