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osx 10.5

  1. P

    Downloading or Buying OSX 10.5

    I have a older Powerbook g4 but I have come across a odd problem. I want to sell this computer but the HDD died. Now that I purchased a new one, the computer has no OS. From my understanding obtaining a older version of macOS would be tricky, because it is not longer for sale, but also still...
  2. D

    Upgrading 2006 Macbook Pro From 10.4.11 to 10.5

    Hi All, I’m working on updating a 15inch MacBook Pro (October 2006). I’m currently running 10.4.11 but trying to update to 10.5 so I can get to 10.7.5. I was unable to use the 10.5.1 download from the Apple Store, saying that I need 10.5 to install. If I buy a used 10.5.1 retail disc will I be...
  3. isaac_osborn

    Question about MS office 2008

    Hi, I've recently started college and have found the need for a laptop I can carry with me to take notes on, write quick documents etc. Being both a cash-strapped student, and not in need of anything but the most basic laptop, I decided to try and pick up an iBook G4 for relatively cheap, as I...
  4. T

    time machine to windows server share

    Good evening guys, for the last two evenings i've been trying to get time machine to backup to my windows server share but cant seem to work it out, has anyone get any ideas? I'm using mac OSX10.5 and windows server 2016, I have connected the share and even crated a DMG image to back up to on...
  5. T

    anti virus for osx 10.5.8 and other suggestions

    Hi guys, i'm fairly new to the os x g4 scene, my only previous experience of powerPC's is my family's first PC (iMac g3 rev a) this I still have to this day, however this is still on os9. I love this powerbook g4 with the 17". its a fairly good spec as well being the 1GHZ model and id love to...
  6. L

    Network/Pentesting tools on PowerPC

    Being a Network engineer I never understood why Network/Cyber Security people or Pentesters always buy an expensive Macbook Pro and then completely ignore the BSD fundamentals and power of the Terminal. As most guides will tell you , to pentest you either need to install Kali Linux natively or...
  7. AmazingHenry

    Modifying Leopard Installer

    I'm currently experimenting with different methods for my Leopard install with updates/apps. One thing I'd like to try is modifying the installer itself, so that you can install with the default Leopard installer and use the Setup Assistant. However, I can't figure out how to do this, and the...