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  1. ZircoBen

    Macs inherently faster than PCs?

    I work in tech support, in a company that deploys exclusively Dell laptops to its employees. We've had conversations with employees that suffer with these Dell laptops, and their comments are boggling to me - Macs can't be THAT much better than these new Dell PCs that we give them? Here's some...
  2. Planed

    Other My job has fooled me and my coworkers.

    So, I am a doctor in a hospital complex. and here, most people are issued a sim card and apps that work best with an iPhone. And oh my god my coworkers hate that. but the real ideocracy here is that at the same time, these apps only work with pc, so every computer we use is a pc (oh, and people...
  3. Alvin777

    Can you Network Printers with Windows 10 Home?

    Hi Apple and Mac friend, can you network your printer if it's just Windows 10 Home (or Windows 11 Home)? Or your need Pro for networking printers not for the office but for multiple computers at home (Macs and PCs)? Thank you.