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pixel density

  1. sbn

    Dillemma: What monitor solution for MBP, with high pixel density and large real estate?

    I have a 2015 iMac 5K 27" and a 27" LED Cinema display, side by side now.This is being replaced by an M1 Max 16" soon, so I'm looking for a new monitor solution. My plan is to use the 16" display of the MBP along with my desktop monitor, so no matter what I choose, I'll have the "dual monitor...
  2. dukee101

    Optimal wallpaper dimensions for scaled displays?

    If I have a 4K display scaled to 2560x1440, what should the dimensions of my wallpapers be if I want the crispest background possible? Will 2560x1440 wallpapers look as crisp as the scaled UI on a 4K monitor with native dimensions of 3840x2160? Or should I strive to download 3840x2160 wallpapers?