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  1. Z

    creating reflections

    In the latest versions of Photoshop are there any automated ways in creating reflections for objects or does one have to create a reflection manually?
  2. 1

    iPhone 7/Plus Jet Black 7+ bezel reflections/effects

    Greetings everyone, Upon using my new Jet Black 7 Plus I have come to notice these reflections/patterns on its polished bezel. I can only see them under certain lightning. The attached photo was taken with my desk lamp on, but if I use the phone near a window the reflections are not visible...
  3. cosmic68

    iPhone X reflection ringtone volume.

    Hi, When my iPhone rings (I’m using the new X ringtone, reflection), if it’s propped up on my desk in its holder, the ringtone volume is really low. When iPhone is flat, it’s loud. If I raise iPhone mid ring, it goes low again. Is this a feature? I upgraded to the iPhone X from a iPhone 6 Plus...
  4. A

    Does your iPhone X camera do this too?

    Today I was trying the iPhone X camera outdoors at night and weird reflections started to show up on every pic, even on a video, as seen in the pictures aattached. For some reason it won't let me upload the vid. I cleaned the camera in case that was the reason, but still had the same issue...