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safari 15.4

  1. I

    Safari 13 or 15?

    I just reinstalled Catalina on MBA 2020. Does anyone know, how much difference between Safari 13 (preinstalled in Catalina installer) vs the updated Safari 15.4, in term of speed, comfort and memory usage? I have updated security fix, so security shouldn’t be an issue. Thanks.
  2. Cinder6

    Ever since 12.3, my security key is broken in Safari

    I have a Solo Touch NFC security key. Prior to 12.3, it's been working great everywhere I use it. However, 12.3 adds a new "choose how you'd like to sign in" popup that allows you to choose between different authentication methods. Unfortunately, when I select security key, it doesn't work...
  3. D

    Safari sometimes automatically triggers the back button

    The only bug I've noticed in Monterey is with Safari. Sometimes when I try to load a new page Safari acts like I pressed the back button a split second after that page starts to load. It happens quickly enough that despite being in the browser history, the forward button does not recognize the...
  4. TinyMito

    Safari 15.4 - YouTube thumbnail stops loading then it becomes unresponsible.

    Anyone here face the same problem that YouTube would just halt from loading anything after scrolling down a list of video from a channel? Other tabs website still work normally. I had extension disabled same problem, it seems like YouTube itself just hang after requesting many data from...