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security issues

  1. T

    Is it a Virus?

    I was writing a post and upon looking for some images, I opened random sites to screenshot something, but my entire screen suddenly froze and then I noticed some pixilated glitches appearing at the top of my screen. I panicked so I held down the power button for a few seconds to shut down the...
  2. L

    Apple ID compromised! Breach to privacy!

    My Apple ID has been compromised and I has been charged over night with multiple iTunes purchases made from the other side of the world resulting in blocking my bank card. Apple support has been helpful providing me full refund in 30 DAYS! Even though the payments has still be pending so your...
  3. WeHo Guy

    Apple ID Disabled

    I need some help here. Let me quickly fill you in on what has happened. I noticed on my bank statement that I had several recurring charges from iTunes that I didn’t make. When I say several, I’m talking about 10-15 $59.99 and $99.99 charges made within seconds of each other in a block...
  4. B

    Security bug - full excess to any one

    I'd like to share a very strange and amazing bug which I discovered by chance and almost had some troubles with a colleague. I work on MBP with the last MacOs and recently connected it to a second monitor via Thunderbolt port. The issue I discovered by chance is this: When I close the lid...

    Online security and privacy is important.

    I am not sure if this has been shared here. At least, I have not come across it. Here is an awesome video from Rene Ritchie and being a privacy and online security advocate I could not help but share.
  6. C

    iPhone 7/Plus Green call bar appears out of nowhere

    so you know when you’re on a call and exit the phone app to access any other app mid call, there’s a green bar on top of your screen to let you know the call is active and how long your call is going for? Well I’ve notice that multiple times when I’m not even on a call, that this bar appears...
  7. H

    iPhone X Random FaceID checks from websites?

    For those with the X, have you noticed that certain websites perform a FaceID scan for no apparent reason? I understand when confronted with a login screen why it would do a scan, but I’m starting to see it even when there is no prompt for a login or even if I’ve already logged in to a site...
  8. paulv80

    iPhone Security Flaw - Screenshot!!

    Has anyone noticed with the new iOS 11 screenshot share feature you can get into someone’s phone without a passcode or fingerprint (iPhone 7 or higher). Huge security issue. Here are the steps I took to came across the bug. 1. With phone locked, take screenshot. 2. Tap and hold the...
  9. A

    stingray icdp

    please help. users found and services not installed by myself yet can not remove 2017-09-27 19:20:31 -0700 IMDPersistenceAgent[401]: Created table if needed ok: deleted_messages 2017-09-27 19:20:31 -0700 IMDPersistenceAgent[401]: Created table if needed ok: chat_handle_join 2017-09-27 19:20:31...
  10. IowaLynn

    System Integrity

    Apple does not provide any supported way for you to check your app’s integrity. iOS already does that by default. BlackBerry selling point, their DTEK and other measures to tell if a system's integrity is compromised. If it's been detected...
  11. D

    Sierra disabled password requirement on DiskImages ?

    Hi! In the last round of updates, it seems Apple has decided I no longer need to enter a password to open my encrypted (dmg) disk images. I can now open them without having to enter my password! How did this happen ?! I use encrypted disk images as an extra layer of security, but that seems to...
  12. Klaatu63

    macOS Sierra 10.12 Security Concern

    In light of the current Internet hacking activity - how concerned should I be about Apples built in security infrastructure. Beyond activating the firewall and having difficult passwords for network access, should I be thinking about a VPN or a hardwired third party firewall?
  13. basilt

    Security question curl & port 80/macinstallerinfo

    hello, my firewall poped a message about CURL command asking to communicate with info. and on port 80. I was wondering what this site is, does not exist on web and not sure if it is generated by OSX. Any help would be appreciated on how to remove this...