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shared album

  1. F

    Share albums disappears on the Macbook - Photo

    My shared albums disappear in the Photo app. I tried everything, but the problem is in the settings. According to Apple's help, I have to check "Shared Albums" in the Photo application settings. But I don't see this item in the settings. Item isn´t in Settings. See Figure 2. Can anyone advise...
  2. petekjohnson

    Photos - Can't make shared album public

    I am unable to create a shared album on macOS (Ventura) or iOS (16) and set it to "Public". On macOS, clicking on the "People" button brings up the menu showing "Subscribers Can Post", "Public Website", and "Notifications". I don't really want to use subscribers at all, or notifications, i...
  3. M

    iCloud shared albums issue

    Hello everyone, I’m gonna try to keep this short, but I don’t understand if it’s me doing it wrong or if it’s another fine mess made in Apple. I have an album in my iCloud photos, photos that I took on a trip. I wanna share those photos with my partner. There are 403 photos. They are all...
  4. B

    iPhone Shared album photos issue

    Has anyone had any issues with shared albums not showing photos on an ios12 phone being sent from a ios13 Max? They show up an empty loading circle.
  5. M

    Shared album: uploaded photos not available

    Hi guys, I have a very weird issue with the iCloud family album: My wife uploaded a bunch of picture of videos the other day from her iPhone and while they show up on her device as uploaded in the activity stream and the album, I can't see them on my iPhone or my MacBook. I even tried to access...