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sierra theme

  1. AmazingHenry

    Released: Tiger Sierra Theme

    EDIT: Use @AphoticD's iContainer file on page 2 for easier icon installation. EDIT: Use @AphoticD's Spotlight fix on page 2 of this thread to get the Spotlight look working. Tiger Sierra Theme Theme Includes: -UI (traffic lights, buttons, etc.) -Icons -About This Mac -PPCAppStore -And more...
  2. AmazingHenry

    AmazingHenry's PowerPC Projects Thread

    All my PowerPC projects! :) Tiger Sierra Theme Before LeopardRebirth was out, I was making a Sierra theme for personal use. Once LeopardRebirth came out, some people requested a Sierra Theme for Tiger. It wasn't hard to adapt my theme to Tiger, so I did that and released it. Get it on the...