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  1. haralds

    Finder slow with lots of volumes mounted?

    I have noticed a slow down over several versions of macOS in Finder response with a lot of drives and volumes. I just added a 10TB USB3 external drive. Throughput with it is good (as expected.) But the Finder has become really sluggish. I have 18 volumes on 11 drives on a Mac Pro. All but the...
  2. Z

    CC & CS6 together, slow down performance?

    Is it true that when CC and CS6 are installed together in a mac, there is a slowdown in their performance? Has anyone ever experience what im describing?
  3. R

    iPhone X Frustratingly Unresponsive!

    My iPhone X is not responding to button presses. Seems like a software issue on 11.2.1! This happens randomly btw, can't provide steps to reproduce. Emergency SOS will just pop out and scare the hell out of me + FaceID will be disabled.
  4. Chrizx74

    APFS + TRIM slows down some SSDs

    Let's try make a report here with make and models of the SSDs affected by boot and r/w slow downs. I have a 256Gb 840 EVO. HS w/ supplemental update and trim enabled takes 47 seconds from chime to desktop (auto login). I will add the time later with TRIM disabled. Macmini late 2014 2.6Ghz.
  5. W

    imovie 11 amateur speed&slow audio track

    Hello. I have a project in iMovie 11 that I'm working on with photos and 2 separate audio tracks (1 instrumental and 1 with a cappella lyrics). I need to sync them all together, but need to slow down a portion of the a cappella track where the singing is too fast for the music. I saw a tutorial...
  6. D

    iMac weird Behaviours

    Hello everyone. Im starting to worry about my iMacs health. It has less than a year and is starting to show really weird behaviours, being the main symptom a sudden mouse lag (like if when moving the pointer it looks like if jumping frames) that get worse to worst until it freezes the entire...