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  1. S

    Unable to Update Visual Studio Code on MacBook

    Hello, I am using MacBook Pro 2020 Monterey 12.6.8 I installed Visual Studio Code and like it. Unfortunately .. when I tried to Update it .. failed with this error: The link points to I tried to follow instructions but it...
  2. Zexthero

    MacOS Protection Gates

    Q: So in my invented scenario I'm installing a Legit app from a verified developer. - MacOS Let's say that for a "unspecified reason" the developer is including some malware in the next update for his app. If the app does not have access to -Sudo privileges -Administrator Privileges -Full...
  3. N

    "no valid sudoers sources found quitting"

    Hello, every time i try a sudo command in Terminal on Mac OS Mojave, i get : - sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting - sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin I'm on the admin user called "Noa" but but the name of the macbook is in the name of sam. When I open terminal I directly...
  4. imprvws

    Unable To Run Sudo On Terminal (Suspect Malware)

    When I Run Any Sudo Commands I get: sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 501, should be 0 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting sudo: error initializing audit plugin sudoers_audit This behavior starts at a failed mongodb installation and increased by the last 11.3.1 big sur update...
  5. N

    Sudo Help : )

    Hello All, I have messed up my sudo situation and don't know how to fix it. Truth be told, I was trying to get some cracked software to work with a sudo command and must have made a careless mistake... Now whenever I try a sudo command, I get the following response: sudo: /etc/sudoers is...
  6. M

    VeraCrypt won't mount external hard drives on a standard user. Help!

    Hey there, So I’m facing an issue with VeraCrypt on my Mac Book Pro under the Version 10.14.4 using a standard user account without admin rights. After typing my admin password into the app it’ll then come up with a warning saying: „Failed to obtain administrator privileges: user is not in the...
  7. Sumleilmus

    (local network) The backup disk image could not be created.

    My "NAS" is a USB hard drive connected to an Airport Extreme. I can see it through the nettwork, and I can mount it, and add it to the list of disks used by Time Machine for backups. However, when I try to back up to it through the network, I get an error message in the System Preferences>Time...
  8. Sumleilmus

    2017 Touch ID sudo -- window not in front

    I followed the instructions at to use Touch ID to authenticate sudo from the command line. Alas, it is a clumsy implementation. Instead of the Terminal window permitting use of Touch ID being the front window (with a pink fingerprint), it is...
  9. G

    memory rapidly reducing and copy paste problem since using ditto command in terminal

    hi, I used sudo ditto command in terminal to copy a folder. I saw that nothing was being copied in the paths I chose and I quit terminal while it was still doing the ditto... I didn't know how to terminate the command itself. ever since my memory is rapidly lowering. for example it is 15.46 gb...
  10. M

    Get a mystery "googleapis" computer name when I use sudo -i

    Hi, This is my first thread here. I use terminal to execute some program and I get a mystery "googleapis" as my computer name. Normally, it show up my computer name with root, the format such as this XXXdeMacBook:~ root#. The first XXXdeMacBook is my computer name and the root is the system...
  11. Morgan Mac

    macOS I broke the Terminal app.

    Hello, I'm not that familiar with using the Terminal, but every now and then I mess around with the command-line to make some adjustments to the computer. A few months ago, I began noticing typing some commands (like 'sudo') into the Terminal stopped working. Now, whenever I open Terminal, a...