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system preferences

  1. M

    Greyed out buttons in system preferences

    I'm having problems with my Mac. Some features in system preferences are greyed out (as you can see in the picture). I am the administrator on my system and yet I'm unable to access these features. I've been looking on the Internet and I can't find anything related to my problem. Any help would...
  2. dukee101

    Modifier Key Binding Resets on new TB-MBP

    There seems to be a strange keyboard bug on my new 15" Touch Bar MacBook Pro. In the "Modifier Keys" panel within System Preferences > Keyboard (image attached), I have my Caps Lock key set to "No Action" (i.e. I disable my caps lock key). But on my new MBP, this setting resets randomly after a...
  3. M

    Where and how are system preferences stored?

    A recent app demo seems to have messed with my system preferences. Output options have changed and apparently a standard system component that was previously recognized no longer appears as a selectable option in the relevant preferences. Does system preferences use a hardware profile to...