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  1. T

    Anyone have any Pages templates for selling a car?

    the person I am selling it to needs a 'Bill of Sale' receipt in order to transfer the title and have found some forms online that say they are 'free' but when I download it they always cost money....
  2. J InTech82

    Pages Help

    I posted this in the AppleInsider message board but got no response, hopefully someone here can help.... Hey all. I have been using Pages since it was introduced and I could have sworn I have been able to accomplish what I am asking but now, I am not having any luck. How do you change the...
  3. bbbc

    Online Apple retail store name badge generator?

    There used to be an unofficial site to generate an Apple retail store name badge as a wallpaper / image. I used to create cool iOS lock screen wallpapers with my RETURN IF FOUND info. Anyone know if the site still exists?
  4. tarproductions

    Free & Open-Source Contract Template

    My video production company open-sourced the contract we use on all our jobs. It's now free to use in your business today. Enjoy and please share!