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  1. ivanicin

    Listen to PDFs on Apple Watch

    I think that this topic might be of interest to some Apple Watch users as there were not much written regarding that and those few articles that exist aren't comprehensive and up-to-date. Especially as watchOS 9 has brought a real revolution regarding this that most people are not aware of as...
  2. ivanicin

    Let's make Apple unlock the Siri voice!

    Currently Apple locks the Siri voice only to the operating system functions. It is a reasonable decision as some app could impersonate Siri and try to steal the sensitive personal data. However, it is not reasonable that the user cannot unlock Siri voice for other apps if he checks some...
  3. P

    Does someone have the default voice file to download?

    Hi I deleted the whole directory /System/Library/Speech/Voices/ by mistake. Stupid I know... How do I get it back? Does someone have the default voice file to download? (there was an old post but the link is dead..) OSX = 10.10.5 Thanks! Liz