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time machine

  1. K

    Time Machine backup on Windows 10 "server"

    Hi there! I want to use a Windows 10 PC as Time machine network server. Since Sierra a SMB server is officially supported for TM backups: Here the TM over SMB specs...
  2. jeditor

    Time Machine help

    I'm new to Time Machine. I have purchased a new MyBook 4TB, set it up as Apple instructs to use as a time machine and have TRIED to just target one drive for it to back up (which is a 2TB drive almost half full) when the Time Machine goes through its attempt cycle is comes back with an error...
  3. C

    Time Machine backups over network - encryption in transit?

    I know I can encrypt my Time Machine backups. If I choose that option, are the backups only encrypted at rest (on the disk), or are they are encrypted in transit, too, such as when sending over a network to a Time Capsule or Synology? I ask because I have a Synology sitting here on my desk at...
  4. e73kiel

    Time Machine setdestination problem

    Hi all. I have a macbook 2011 mounted had 2 external harddrive to backup 8 other macbook with time machine. The macbook has shutdown problem so i moved the external harddisks to mac mini but now the time machine on the 8 macbook unable to detect the harddrives. When i mount the harddrives to...
  5. seme332

    Time Machine Backups on Time Capsule

    Hey Guys, I think this problem started when I installed Sierra, but I cannot be 100% sure actually. So I got a 2TB Time Capsule a while ago because I wanted to be able to wirelessly backup my iMac and MacBook. I setup the whole thing and even use it as a router. All of this worked fine on both...
  6. R

    Use Photos Library from external Hard Drive

    Hello, as I am about to be buying a 256GB MacBook Pro I wondered how, exactly, moving your Photos and iTunes Library to an external SSD works. I do not want to only backup to the SSD but rather use the library from there while plugged in, moving the default location for the library to the...
  7. J

    Preventing Windows from mounting drives?

    I have a problem with Windows 10 mounting some of my external drives (formatted as HFS+ journaled). Apparently, it does occassionally write to these drives. and this confuses the hell out of time machine when I return to MacOSX. And of course, I'd rather not mount my backup disk at all. Is...
  8. Ace2617

    Time Machine 'Preparing' Problem

    Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with Time Machine in 10.12 Sierra. For nearly the past 45 minutes, I've been trying to run a Time Machine backup on my 2015 rMBP. I plug my WD HDD in, and it says preparing for backup, which is normal. However, it seems to get stuck there. The blue progress...
  9. M

    iCloud Photo Library + Time Machine local backup?

    Does anyone here have experience in combining their iCloud Photo Library with a local backup to an external HDD using Time Machine? My wife & I are considering pushing our full photo library (around 30k photos) into iCloud, but want to make sure that as we continue to build the library we still...
  10. Darf Nader

    Command Line pause/resume of Time Machine?

    Hi, first time poster after many years of reading.... I am trying to come up with a way to safely backup my Time Machine backup volumes offsite and I chose to try ARQ which uses s3 Glacier as its storage which is pretty cheap compared to other solutions which seem to offer a host of caveats...
  11. M

    Time Machine to remote drive? (solved)

    Not really sure what I've done. But now it's working again...
  12. E

    Time Machine hanging after backup has started

    Been having issues after the upgrade where Time Machine starts backing up but then at some point throughout the backup backupd basically stops doing anything. The backup is flying along then just suddenly comes to a halt. This happens on a local firewire drive as well as a network attached...
  13. GSPice

    Sierra's "Store in iCloud" Impact on Time Machine Paradigm

    So I've read a couple conflicting articles on how Time Machine backups are affected by Sierra's new "Store in iCloud" feature - in summary: Pre-Sierra, a user could have potentially 3 copies of a file: locally, in iCloud, and via Time Machine backup. With Sierra's "Store in iCloud" enabled...
  14. andyx181x

    How to recover select photos from time machine

    Hi there folks, need a little help here. So i was organizing my pictures in Photos and i found one of my albums is completely empty, either I wasn't paying attention or a random delete happen for these set of pictures. I can't find them under the "All Photos" and I'm trying to figure out how can...
  15. Anto38x

    Will my Drobo S work with Time Machine in MacOS Sierra ?

    Will my Drobo S work with Time Machine in MacOS Sierra ? Has anyone upgraded and encountered problems with their Drobo S backup solution...? I'm thinking of upgrading, but my backup system is critical... so I don't wanna upgrade and find out I can't backup my content anymore... Any comments...
  16. R

    Time Machine

    Running Sierra on a late 2009 iMac. Time Machine is working well and updating routinely. However the Time Machine Buddy Widget is not showing any information. Investigating using Console shows that the logs appear to be absent or moved. Nothing showing using the "backupd" as a filter on System...
  17. grahamperrin

    apropos mtmfs(8) – Apple's Mobile Time Machine file system daemon

    There's the traditional manual page for mtmfs, and there's mention of local Time Machine snapshots in the manual page for tmutil, but here – running release candidate build 16A319 of Mac OS X 10.12 (macOS Sierra) with a MacBookPro11,2 notebook: no local snapshots unless I'm missing something...
  18. B

    Very slow Time Machine back up to new hard drive?

    Hi, I just purchased a new external hard drive (G-drive 4TB Desktop drive) to back up my 2014 MacBook Pro Retina, running OS X Yosemite. I started the initial back up roughly 6 hours ago and it has transferred a total of 8GB (from 490GB). Transfer is through USB 3.0. It's a completely new disk...
  19. N

    Time Machine for database server backup

    I have a Mac Mini running FileMaker Server and I need a daily backup of the databases that include around 100.000 pdf files that take up to 12GB of space. I would like to keep the 10 latest backups of the whole database. FileMaker Server takes care of the full database backup and in order to...
  20. issueswithmymac

    Cannot Delete File

    Hi, I have been googling all night and can't find a way to delete or move some files. The varying types of files are in a time machine backup on an external drive that isn't used for time machine anymore so there's a bunch of other stuff on there too. When I attempt to move or delete a file I...