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  1. PowerMac5500

    Other 👍👎 iPhone 15 - is it the ugliest iPhone ever?

    I'm not loving the refreshed design*, nor the colors**. The overall feeling the new Pro gives off is that they tossed an existing chassis design in a rock tumbler and called it new. (I understand why they did it, but that doesn't make it any less ugly.) Edited.... *of the iPhone 15Pro **of the...
  2. U

    WARNING: Do not upgrade to Mojave if you have any non-retina screens!

    The subpixel font rendering engine that used to produce beautiful fonts on macOS is gone! There are a few "fixes" floating around here, they don't bring the old engine back and the results are not acceptable in my opinion. Let me save you the 2 day restore process I am in the middle of...
  3. 2

    Other Why do some iPhones have the ugly FCC logos on the back and others dont?

    I really hope that the new iPhone Xs doesn't have these ugly FCC messages in the back of the iPhone. It is located underneath the 'iPhone' logo. When watching various Youtube videos, I can see that some phones have this FCC logos and other's dont. Also on the new iPhone XS phones that New...
  4. S

    Other Am I the only one who looks like **** on FaceTime?

    It could just be that I'm ugly, but I honestly think I look a lot better in the mirror. Every time I FaceTime, I look at myself and can't believe how odd and bad I look on the screen. Sometimes I literally look like someone who got his face smashed in or rearranged. I not only look 10 years...
  5. Sovon Halder

    iPhone X Poll : Ugly or not ?

    The Notch
  6. baryon

    I think iTunes looks horrible

    I just want to share my personal opinion here because I'm not seeing anyone being upset about this yet, which I find strange. Sierra looks great all around, and then I go to iTunes and... what the hell happened? Did someone accidentally swap it out for the Windows 8 version of the app? Or the...