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watch os

  1. S

    Watch series 3&4 is still worth buying before Watch OS 10 comes?

    I'm looking to buy my first Apple watch, works with my iPhone SE 2022. So I have a little money for this. I need an Apple Watch to measure my heart rate and walking distance also sos features, I don't need the advanced features. I have a question, Watch Series 3&4 are worth buying in 2023? Watch...
  2. J

    Running Workout Annoyance

    Having acquired an Ultra recently it has had the positive effect of getting me back into running, and thus using the Running Workout app. After a small number of runs I've run into a frustration which I don't know if it's a setting tweak needed or a by design thing. I set a 5km distance with a...
  3. Malcy16

    What do you do with your Apple Watch?

    Hello All, I've had an Apple Watch since the launch of the original, since then I've moved to S3 and next month I plan to move again to a S6. When people who aren't as up to speed with Apple and Technology in general ask me what I use it for I just reply with "It is a luxury convenience" - This...