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  1. grahamperrin

    Seeking a phrase in a title may fail to find matching titles

    For example, seeking either of the following phrases fails to find the blog post entitled Plex Debuts New 'Plex Cloud' Beta Service for Accessing Media Anywhere Plex cloud 'Plex Cloud' @rshrugged If I recall correctly, the problem occurs where ' is used. I guess that it's a problem with, or...
  2. grahamperrin

    Resolved XenForo, issues with multi-quote

    Wait for a page to load click any multi-quote button wait click the same button. Expected: toggle (from on at step 2, to off at step 4). Actual result: the button remains on. Can anyone else reproduce that problem? Environment Firefox 47.0.1 with Greasemonkey, Stylish and various other...
  3. grahamperrin

    MacRumors 'Upload a File' button: Flash Player crashes in Firefox on macOS 10.12

    Moderators, please move this topic to if the crashing is not specific to pre-release Sierra. I tried twice to upload a file, both attempts led to a crash of Adobe Flash Player – reported within Firefox, but clicking for more details...
  4. grahamperrin

    Missing attachments two attachments missing, can someone who's familiar with XenForo guess how that occurred?
  5. arn

    Forums Upgraded to v1.5

    Hi all, We performed a forum upgrade tonight. We moved from the 1.4 -> 1.5 branch of Xenforo. It's possible something broke, and if so, let me know A list of some of the improvements are here: I think there's a lot of...