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Original poster
Jul 23, 2010
i just downloaded an amazing app from the App Store called App Switcher. It allows you to create the shortcuts everyone wants similar to SBSettings within the Notification Center itself.

Using the prefs:root=(etc) coding you can add Brightness, 3G, etc into the Notification Center pull down menu. Pretty cool, and a better solution than the other apps that made their way around the net here a few weeks back (an icon on your desktop).

But here's my question: I would like to create a shortcut to pull up the multitasking bar. Basically, I'm trying to do what that I saw another individual suggested to Apple (to use a single finger gesture at the bottom of the page to pull up multitasking), but in reverse: I'd pull it down from the Notifications, click on it, and it pops up.

I really hope this is making sense. Anyway, I've tried prefs:root=Multitasking and UIBackgroundTask as the url but neither worked. Any ideas? My point is to try and save my home button on my 4S, which already sounds "clicky" compared to how it sounded when I first got the phone.
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