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macrumors 603
Nov 25, 2009
I have 200 plus apps, and I want all my apps available so I can easily work with them. Once the iPad comes out, I expect my apps will double as I do more and more work on my iPad and less and less on my computer.

As an artist, no small set of apps does all I want done, I often find myself using several apps to do one job.

Do I get you right that you are an artist doing your job on iPhone? No wonder you need 200 apps. Try using desktop (even laptop will do). I bet you will not need more than 10 applications :D


macrumors 68040
Apr 22, 2005
Do I get you right that you are an artist doing your job on iPhone? No wonder you need 200 apps. Try using desktop (even laptop will do). I bet you will not need more than 10 applications :D

What he didn't mention is that the works of art that he creates are billboard-sized collages of iPhone app screenshots. So that pretty much explains everything.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2010
it is a wonderful tool, but it is so limited by the magic number Apple set.

I wonder if they did this to void the warranties of all the JB phones?

Why do people in forums type the words in their heads like they were thinking to themselves? Makes for rude and unpleasant conversations.


macrumors newbie
Feb 4, 2010
Tuffluffjimmy, i need your help

about two years ago you posted a comment about garageband 3 ringtones which instructed to use the purple arrow to signify the end of the ringtone to eliminate about 4 sec of dead air which occurred when we exported the file from garageband to the desktop (making it a .M4a file). What program were you talking about when you referred to the purple arrow and how do i find it? Sorry to take you back but I really appreciate the help.


macrumors newbie
Mar 9, 2008
I refuse to believe that you regularly use 144 apps
so you use 200 plus apps on a daily basis?
Maybe I'm missing something but why would you need 144 apps on your iPad/iPhone/Touch on any given day for this to be an issue?

Why does it need to be used frequently to justify an icon?

It is quite silly to think that no one will want 200+ icons available.
Apparently enough wanted more than 144 that Apple added 2 more empty pages. I'm sure that that the additional pages were done as a holdover until a more elegant solution is implemented.

Who wants to have to flick to page 30 implemented how it is now?


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2007
I have proposed a category like approach to fixing app limits on the springboard and also clutter:

Employing the same technique used in the new Photos App, one could pinch out a grid of apps that they assemble, which would keep page counts down, and add a kind of "Stacks" like functionality to the desktop.


When you pinch out:


That is a great idea. I was just thinking of a simple folder system but this way bumps up the cool factor!

For the people who say 'would you ever need 144 or even 200 apps at any one time' have to realize that not everyone sync's there iphone, ipod touch or ipad on a regular basis. Some people dont ever. I am one of those people who maybe connects their iphone to my imac once a month. Also when you have up to 64 gigs of space, you want to be able to install apps and anything else without making the decision of what to leave out this time around when you sync up. All Apple needs to do is to implement a folder system or a stacking system like the new iphotos app. My desktop has very few icons on it and that's how I want my iPad to be like to.


macrumors 68020
Jul 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
For the people who say 'would you ever need 144 or even 200 apps at any one time' have to realize that not everyone sync's there iphone, ipod touch or ipad on a regular basis. Some people dont ever. I am one of those people who maybe connects their iphone to my imac once a month. Also when you have up to 64 gigs of space, you want to be able to install apps and anything else without making the decision of what to leave out this time around when you sync up. All Apple needs to do is to implement a folder system or a stacking system like the new iphotos app. My desktop has very few icons on it and that's how I want my iPad to be like to.

Spotlight works better than having folders.


Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Spotlight works better than having folders.

But Spotlight only works if you can remember at least part of the name of an app. I often find that I remember apps by their icons, not their names. When I try to find an app with spotlight, I often get stumped at: "Now what was the name of that price comparison app with a picture of Ben Franklin on the icon????"


macrumors 65816
Sep 9, 2008
I think the iPhone OS wasn't initially built to host so many apps, so I wouldn't blame Apple. Who knew that in about 2 years, there are 140,000 apps available? I still really liked the current layout, the icons look very sexy and stylish. Imagine if all you see in your home screen is 16 folders, one for each category of apps? That would look ridiculously boring.

So my solution would be a touch sensitive bar on the bottom of the iPhone (where the home button area is). Then we can swipe a finger across it to quickly access the app pages the same way that laptop trackpads have a side scrolling motion recognition to scroll down websites. And if Apple gave us about 20 pages of apps, then this would work for me.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Imagine if all you see in your home screen is 16 folders, one for each category of apps? That would look ridiculously boring.

Not if each folder can have a customized icon, like they do in the jailbreak app Categories. I have an icon of dice for my "Games" folder, a book for my "Books" folder, a magnifying glass for my "References" folder, etc.


macrumors G3
Apr 6, 2007
Portland, OR
As an artist, no small set of apps does all I want done, I often find myself using several apps to do one job.
You're doing your work on a phone? Care to share some of your masterpieces?
about two years ago you posted a comment about garageband 3 ringtones which instructed to use the purple arrow to signify the end of the ringtone to eliminate about 4 sec of dead air which occurred when we exported the file from garageband to the desktop (making it a .M4a file). What program were you talking about when you referred to the purple arrow and how do i find it? Sorry to take you back but I really appreciate the help.
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