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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 18, 2011
does anyone have a 2.0 newer macbook? i am wondering how the gaming will be on it and if anyone has pictures, links to videos, and charts that would be great too! i dont game that much and i am thinking of lowering my standards on the 15" and getting the 2.0. I watch HD movies, have music, a lot of pictures, and am on the internet a lot. So gaming is kind of just a luxury and rarity. but still fun (i usually use xbox but i dont have one for now!!)
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macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2011
I bit the bullet got the same thing, i7 2.0ghz got 3rd party 8gb ram & a 120gb OCZ ssd, the 2.0ghz is fine for me for playing world of warcraft on high settings, I also edit photos with photoshop & aperture & lightroom, everything performs fine no spinning wheels no power holdbacks, i would save the extra 200+ & go with the 2.0ghz. unless your getting an SSD, the 2.2ghz with student discount they give you the 128gb ssd for only $90 bucks. I got my SSD for about 120 plus 3 years of warranty coverage off tigerdirect.
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