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macrumors 68000
Jan 29, 2003
Originally posted by SiliconAddict
Bull. ...
People who spent that kind of money are in the same league as that kid who tore out that guts of that G5 and put a PC in it. Too much money on their hands.

That was a joke according to several Mac news sites.


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by mac15
this was released before steve came back to Apple

So maybe that is why we aren't seeing another edition. Steve must think that the 20th anniversary should be a one and only event. He also missed the opportunity to produced a 25th anniversary Mac.


macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2003
Pacific NW
Not even the most expensive Mac...

Heh...everyone seems to be ranting about the price of the 20th anniversary Mac. It was an amazing machine, however, with the subwoofer, the remote control, the awesome case, the LCD (and the tuxedo'd Apple representative who set it up). And yet it wasn't even the most expensive Mac ever released. For that, we'll turn the clock back 7 years prior to the Mac IIfx.

Maximum configuration: $12,000.

You can buy a 4 G5 Xserves for that amount...and with XGrid you can link'em up! We've come a long ways in 14 years :)


macrumors 6502
Oct 21, 2003
Originally posted by rog
Get Real. the TAM was an overpriced hunk of junk. The 250 MHz 603e was a lot slower than 604es of the era, which hit 350MHz not long after the TAM intro. A 233 604e would have been a much better processor for this mac. Within 8 months, Apple was making G3s that were 3X faster for far cheaper! The PowerBooks of 1997 were far cheaper and better deals. The TAM was $1999 within a year, and was still overprice at that price since a 266MHz G3 was cheaper. An 800x600 screen was unbearable even in OS9. Personally I am glad Apple didn't release an overpriced new anniversary mac because if history tells us anything, it would have been a rip off, much like the current iMac line already is with its 1999 technology, but 1979 prices.

Well, from your explanation it sounds like they used the TAM as a way to bring in money to help develop the 3x faster G3, etc. Sometimes you find apple over priceing things to help bring down the price for other things in the long run. Kinda' borrow from the rich to give to the world type scenerio.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Originally posted by voicegy
The TAM was a work of art, they only made 10,601 of them (odd number, eh?)
Instead of 601 extra TAMs, they should have made 603. Actually, make that 603e.


macrumors 68030
Oct 23, 2003
Brunswick, MD
TAM memories

I remember the 20th. Anniv. Mac when advertisements for it first hit the magazines. I never bought one (don't have that kind of money) - but even being a PC guy at the time, I recall being envious of its looks and LCD screen.

It made a visual/design statement as a memorable collectors' item, so in that sense - it accomplished its goal.

I heard Apple even rolled a red carpet out to your front door when the limo pulled up with the Apple rep. hand-delivering it to you and setting it up. This was all about "show" and "image", and I don't recall EVER hearing of another company doing anything similar.

Originally posted by wdlove
So maybe that is why we aren't seeing another edition. Steve must think that the 20th anniversary should be a one and only event. He also missed the opportunity to produced a 25th anniversary Mac.


macrumors 6502
Aug 31, 2001
Europe (EU)
Re: Re: TAM's were great for there time.

Originally posted by Snowy_River
Well, not really. In most respects, this was an exploded and suped up PowerBook 3400, which was a Mac that used LCD monitor technology... ;)

That's not true. The TAM was basically a PowerMac 5500 with the screen of a PB 3400.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
Re: Re: Re: TAM's were great for there time.

Originally posted by Doraemon
That's not true. The TAM was basically a PowerMac 5500 with the screen of a PB 3400.

Actually, if you compare the specs, the TAM was really a hybrid of the two. It has some feature of each, and some that are completely unique. For example, both the 5500 and the 3400 have 256kb L2 cache, whereas the TAM only has 128kb L2 cache. Both the PB3400 and the TAM have a minimum RAM speed of 60ns, whereas the PM5500 has a minimum RAM speed of 70ns.

On the whole, I'd say that you're right, the TAM is a PM5500 in a special case. However, I'd also say that the PB3400 is, essentially, a PM5500 put into a laptop. The similarities are substantial.

Although, the other part of my point was that the case of the TAM is essentially a modified, unfolded, PB3400 case.


macrumors member
Jan 31, 2004
Re: TAM's were great for there time.

Originally posted by NusuniAdmin
TAM's were awsome. Pretty fast for those days. It was also the first mac to use lcd monitor technology. The only prob was is that is was old world mac rom tech. I wish they released it later and popped a g3 in that baby with new world rom junkies...but then again the first powermac g3 still used old world technology. But it was awsome, lots of extra video and sound goodies. If apple releases a 30'th anniversry mac (for apple's 30'th, not the macs) I hope it is just as cool. But instead of lcd tech it should be the first mac to use holigram technology :D. heheeheheh........Just imagen it....a 30'th anniversery mac with a G6 or G7 clocked at 5-6 ghz with a 2.5-3 ghz bus....ohhhhhh ya baby.....

The apple II used LCD, a very small calculator-like (like a nice graphing calc, ti-86 or 89 for ex) it was a wide 7or 9 inch monitor. And PBs had been around before the 20th, but it was nonetheless cool.

I hope that by 2007 we get beyond 6 ghz, my sights are set on a G7 quad 20Ghz with 20 Terrabytes of HD space and 15 gbs of ram. With a 1gb graphics card. bus: 10 gb


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
ok sorry about first lcd monitor thing

sorry about the first lcd monitor thing, but i know the TAM had some new thing wit its monitor, i read it in a mac addict magazine a while back...if i can remember it i will post it up....GRRR WUT WUS IT!


macrumors newbie
Feb 3, 2004
San Francisco Bay Area
TAM is what it is

It was initially meant for an executive's desk and IMHO, it still looks spectacular. Yes, it was expensive and slow (even for its day) but Apple probably charged what it did just to break even. All that development cost with the Bose stereo, remote control and leather needs to be spread over a limited run. I paid just under $2k when they were blowing out the inventory and it was one of the best purchases I've ever made. Cheers, sccdlc


macrumors 6502a
Jan 25, 2004
when imentioned thed tam 3 times with a picture onthe forums for a tenttieth aniversary mac no one responsded to ,me


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
Originally posted by windowsblowsass
when imentioned thed tam 3 times with a picture onthe forums for a tenttieth aniversary mac no one responsded to ,me

First of all, get some typing lessions dude. I am 14 and I can type a heck of a lot better than you dude, and i also go on chat rooms for nearly 2 hours a day.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Originally posted by NusuniAdmin
First of all, get some typing lessions dude. I am 14 and I can type a heck of a lot better than you dude, and i also go on chat rooms for nearly 2 hours a day.
I thought of something funny. Traditonal typing classes and typing programs (oh, excuse me, they call it keyboarding) start you off on the home row, typing F-G-F and J-H-J over and over. Maybe, since so many kids do most of their typing in instant message windows or forums, they should start off with L-O-L and O-M-G instead!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
Originally posted by Doctor Q
I thought of something funny. Traditonal typing classes and typing programs (oh, excuse me, they call it keyboarding) start you off on the home row, typing F-G-F and J-H-J over and over. Maybe, since so many kids do most of their typing in instant message windows or forums, they should start off with L-O-L and O-M-G instead!

yes...i remember that class in 8'th grade, an EASY A+++++++. Its funny though, cause i am doing reports at least once a week and my english teacher says I have some of the best grammer in the class, which is very funny. I am in aim and junk a lot but I also do web design and programming, so i am not constantly typing L-O-L and O-M-G and ******* all the time. But seriously, that dude i made the comment about types like a 6 year old, o wait when I was 6 I typed better than that :D :p


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
Originally posted by windowsblowsass
when imentioned thed tam 3 times with a picture onthe forums for a tenttieth aniversary mac no one responsded to ,me


Don't get too discouraged just because your posts don't draw attention sometimes. It happens to all of us, from time to time.

Originally posted by NusuniAdmin
First of all, get some typing lessions dude. I am 14 and I can type a heck of a lot better than you dude, and i also go on chat rooms for nearly 2 hours a day.

Hey, NA,

Give him a break. Not everyone is a great typist. Sometimes we post when we're really tired, and there are more typos.



macrumors member
Jul 25, 2002
Originally posted by rog
An 800x600 screen was unbearable even in OS9.

Really?? Gee, I hope my Daughter doesn't read this and find out here 466 iBook running OSX is unbearable.

Sure, the X menu bars and some interface elements are a bit overscale at this resolution, but in OS9?? I don't think so. In fact, standard was pretty much still 7x4 on a 15" CRT at the time so 8x6 was, while not luxurious, very workable.


macrumors 6502
Dec 10, 2003
still a beautiful machine...

overpriced & underpowered or not, it's still a beautiful machine. look at the computer cases of the time. can anyone say "beige"??!? being a designer myself, i still think the design of this machine still holds up today does anyone remember the design firm? was it frog?). who else besides apple would have crammed all that stuff (cd, tv, speakers, lcd, etc) into a sexy little package like that, ESPECIALLY at the time?

bash it if you want, but i'm having a hard time keeping my finger of the "place bid" button....
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