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Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
Ok, we're entering into the 2nd half of 2016, and in my opinion the hottest top releases of smartphones still to come. Some say Spring, nope, I say it's the later Summer / Early Fall releases which are the best;

- Nexus N line; out in Sept / Oct, some rumors saying it may come a little earlier this year, with the final build of N due this Summer, we may see it in August possibly. With all the new features in Android N, finally bringing stuff that Touchwiz and Sense have had baked in for years,. N looks to be the Nexus OS we've all wanted stock to be. I hope the larger phone has a large battery like the S7 Edge 3,600mAh.

- Galaxy Note 7; Announced and released first week of August. I totally understand the name change to the Note 7 instead of the 6, makes total sense, and really needs no explanation. I mean the Galaxy S7, and Galaxy S7 Edge were released earlier this year, and Apple has their iPhone 7 coming out, so keeping the Note with the name "6" just sounds dated to the public, changing to "7" is smart IMO. And the Note 7 spec sheet is out of a nerds wet dream, total beast power, with the SD823 + 6GB RAM + 4,200mAh battery + 5.8" next gen OLED screen + New Flash Memory speeds from Samsung + revised Touchwiz toned down a bit more from the S7.

- iPhone 7; iOS10 did seem to finally update this aging OS with better features and good revisions, but we'll see, will it be enough to get the Android diehards back in the Apple camp ? The iFans will always lap up the latest fruit phone, but will others ? Will it be waterproof ? AMOLED screen ? Note 7 type battery life on the 7 Plus ? A Dark theme finally ? Will they finally reduce the top and bottom bezels and make the phone have a much needed overall smaller footprint ? Or will the iPhone 7 really be the iPhone 6 part 3 and the true next gen phone not coming till next year ?
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macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Pretty much the same as TB listed above
Note 7
iphone 7
Nexus phablet
Axon 7
Might get a OPO3 sometime and run Cyanogenmod 13 on it.
So many great little time :)


macrumors 68030
Jan 5, 2016
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The only (non-iPhone) phones that have ever interested me is the Nexus line. Rumours have been a bit scattered with some suggesting that HTC will be making all the Nexus line this year and others suggesting that a Huawei follow up to the 6P is coming. Either way it will be interesting to see what they come up with!
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Tig Bitties

macrumors 603
Original poster
Sep 6, 2012
From what I've seen of iOS 10 beta, there's absolute NOTHING motivating me to get an iPhone again, I couldn't go back to such an outdated locked down restrictive OS again. Even though iOS 10 does seem to be going on the right track, Apple still has a LONG WAY to revise that aging OS to get me a die hard Nexus / CM ROM guy back.

I went open minded into the iPhone 6 Plus when they first came out, and gave it the 14 day trial before returning it. Was running iOS 8, and holy crap did that OS suck, hopefully it's changed since, but man it was a terrible experience IMO.


macrumors 68040
Sep 16, 2008
Del Mar, CA
Only phone that has the potential to make me upgrade is the next Nexus.

As much as I love the Note line, I just didn't use the s pen as much as I would've wanted and the S7 Edge is already stretching the limits the size of a phone I'd like to carry.


Oct 17, 2013
Central California
I'm interested to see what Apple does with the iPhone 7 (iPhone 6ss :confused:?), but the chances of me upgrading from my iPhone 6s this year are near zero. I'll be waiting to see what 2017 brings.
iPhone 7 will be nothing more than a minor upgrade. Might as well call it an iPhone 6SS. The iPhone 8 will be the all new and upgraded phone that you'll see long lines form up for.
Note 7 and Nexus are the only 2 other phones worth looking at for 2016.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010

Iphone 7 plus

I’m interested what the new iphone will bring and the features it will pack. I’m more looking forward to the note 7 if I’m honest and havn’t decided if im getting both yet or stick with my 6s plus and just get the note 7.

Think I’m more leaning to the note 7 right now.


macrumors 68000
Feb 27, 2011
5" Nexus.

However, I have little doubt I'll be disapointed by an inadequate battery once again.


macrumors regular
Sep 17, 2011
Note 7
Iphone 7 plus

I've never had a Note phone (Note 10.1 2014), never had a Nexus either. My son has the S6 Edge and it's a pretty sweet little unit. Can't say I was impressed with what Apple brought to the table with iOS 10,but things could change. Right now I switch between a Droid Turbo and iPhone 6 plus and will be upgrading in December.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
Much the same as everyone else. Note 7 / iPhone 7 / Nexus 2016 .....

I'll get a Note 7 if they release a standard version in Europe. I don't want edge display - after 3 edge devices, I had had enough.

iPhone 7 not sure about the +, but only if they improve the standard iPhone battery / improved screen resolution on the smaller model. Otherwise it'll likely be the +

Nexus 2016 - to see what HTC & Huawei do .....


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013

Iphone 7 plus

I’m interested what the new iphone will bring and the features it will pack. I’m more looking forward to the note 7 if I’m honest and havn’t decided if im getting both yet or stick with my 6s plus and just get the note 7.

Think I’m more leaning to the note 7 right now.
The same.

To be honest the leaks for the iPhone 7 don't sound that exciting. I might stick with my 6S plus.

I need to here more about the note 7. I'm wondering if I should get it or the S7 edge I never had really used the s- pen.


macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014
At this point, only Nexus for me. Unless anyone decides to surprise the industry.

And if the Nexus doesn't come through, I'll look into 2017. I have no problems continue using my s7 edge until next year. It's more than capable and has been the greatest, most worry-free smartphone I've ever owned. It'll do.

But really counting on Google later this year...
[doublepost=1466428609][/doublepost]Pretty much everyone is waiting for the same 3 phones!
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macrumors 65816
May 13, 2004
At this point, only Nexus for me. Unless anyone decides to surprise the industry.

And if the Nexus doesn't come through, I'll look into 2017. I have no problems continue using my s7 edge until next year. It's more than capable and has been the greatest, most worry-free smartphone I've ever owned. It'll do.

But really counting on Google later this year...
[doublepost=1466428609][/doublepost]Pretty much everyone is waiting for the same 3 phones!

Nexus for me, too. Two potential sticking points: 1. 5-inch model without having the features slimmed; 2. The price. Google likes to charge way more than the US market.

Not sure the iPhone 7 will be that great a step forward. Particularly the non-Plus model which I'm more likely to go with due top the size. However, if they go big with the camera only on the Plus model then I'm gonna be a hard sell. The 6s had a big feature upgrade so will be good for a while yet.

As for the Note 7, I'm not as eager as past Notes. The non-EU 5, terrible time for MM (May), and potential Edge only model put me off.

I may go for something entirely different if the usual big guns aren't compelling enough.


macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
I keep telling myself my iPhone 6 Plus does not need replacement this year, MacBook Pro is going to be expensive enough and the iPhone 7 is probably not that big a change. Hopefully the truly next-gen iPhone will come next year then, 2018 would be too far away.

And yes, I'm in for new design as opposed to speed and features. The design just lasts longer. There's something to say for the s version as well, but I'm on this design-cycle anyway.


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
Note 7 and Nexus N. I'll most likely get the Note 7.

But really looking forward to 2017..... Samsung's folding display, and what Apple will do for the iPhone's 10th anniversary.


macrumors 65816
May 14, 2010
South FL
With how good the S7 is.... honestly, nothing lol, not into the large Note line. Will be cool finally seeing Nexus line getting features that others have had for years, never understood the draw of using the basic Android OS that came on Nexus... it was way too boring and simple, I know people harp on Sammy and others with the OS but there are features they have that were awesome. I had Nexus 5 and first thing I did was flash a rom, then got rid of the phone lol, as the Nexus line was always gimped in some way from storage to battery to poor cameras vs others etc


macrumors 6502
Mar 21, 2011
I'm waiting for the iPhone 7. Even though the rumors are lackluster it'll give me a reason to downgrade from the 6s plus behemoth.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
With how good the S7 is.... honestly, nothing lol, not into the large Note line. Will be cool finally seeing Nexus line getting features that others have had for years, never understood the draw of using the basic Android OS that came on Nexus... it was way too boring and simple, I know people harp on Sammy and others with the OS but there are features they have that were awesome. I had Nexus 5 and first thing I did was flash a rom, then got rid of the phone lol, as the Nexus line was always gimped in some way from storage to battery to poor cameras vs others etc
My feelings exactly about the nexus line not the note series lol
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macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014
With how good the S7 is.... honestly, nothing lol, not into the large Note line. Will be cool finally seeing Nexus line getting features that others have had for years, never understood the draw of using the basic Android OS that came on Nexus... it was way too boring and simple, I know people harp on Sammy and others with the OS but there are features they have that were awesome. I had Nexus 5 and first thing I did was flash a rom, then got rid of the phone lol, as the Nexus line was always gimped in some way from storage to battery to poor cameras vs others etc

I get the feeling the Nexus line is finally getting good enough for me to leave Samsung this year. But otherwise, I agree. If I do leave, it'll have been an amazing last two years running Samsung as my daily driver. This past year in particularity has been the most worry-free smartphone experience with my s7 edge.


macrumors 68020
Aug 1, 2008
Ok, we're entering into the 2nd half of 2016, and in my opinion the hottest top releases of smartphones still to come. Some say Spring, nope, I say it's the later Summer / Early Fall releases which are the best;

- Nexus N line; out in Sept / Oct, some rumors saying it may come a little earlier this year, with the final build of N due this Summer, we may see it in August possibly. With all the new features in Android N, finally bringing stuff that Touchwiz and Sense have had baked in for years,. N looks to be the Nexus OS we've all wanted stock to be. I hope the larger phone has a large battery like the S7 Edge 3,600mAh.

- Galaxy Note 7; Announced and released first week of August. I totally understand the name change to the Note 7 instead of the 6, makes total sense, and really needs no explanation. I mean the Galaxy S7, and Galaxy S7 Edge were released earlier this year, and Apple has their iPhone 7 coming out, so keeping the Note with the name "6" just sounds dated to the public, changing to "7" is smart IMO. And the Note 7 spec sheet is out of a nerds wet dream, total beast power, with the SD823 + 6GB RAM + 4,200mAh battery + 5.8" next gen OLED screen + New Flash Memory speeds from Samsung + revised Touchwiz toned down a bit more from the S7.

- iPhone 7; iOS10 did seem to finally update this aging OS with better features and good revisions, but we'll see, will it be enough to get the Android diehards back in the Apple camp ? The iFans will always lap up the latest fruit phone, but will others ? Will it be waterproof ? AMOLED screen ? Note 7 type battery life on the 7 Plus ? A Dark theme finally ? Will they finally reduce the top and bottom bezels and make the phone have a much needed overall smaller footprint ? Or will the iPhone 7 really be the iPhone 6 part 3 and the true next gen phone not coming till next year ?
Great list of phones there. Those are the phones I'm interested in the exact order. I'm hoping the Nexus N adds water resistance (IP68 is it?) and gets an expandable storage slot. If not I think I'll decide between the Note 7 or try to pick up an S7 on sale.


macrumors 68040
Jul 2, 2008
I'm waiting for the iPhone 7. Even though the rumors are lackluster it'll give me a reason to downgrade from the 6s plus behemoth.

Thinking this as well depending on what the normal iPhone 7 size has. I love the battery life on the 6s plus as its the best battery I have ever used on a phone but it gets unwieldy at times due to the width and heavier size.
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