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macrumors G3
Original poster
May 25, 2004
For my intro to photography class i need a 35mm SLR camera with manual settings. He suggested the nikon FM 10 but it doesn't have auto focusing...another other suggestions, it doesn't matter nikon canon etc.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2005
puckhead193 said:
For my intro to photography class i need a 35mm SLR camera with manual settings. He suggested the nikon FM 10 but it doesn't have auto focusing...another other suggestions, it doesn't matter nikon canon etc.

...are we talking film camera ??? :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Oct 21, 2004
If your buying a camera, used or not, I would see what type your friends in class are using, that way you can share lenses.

Also, ask around your family to see if anyone has an old SRL they would let you borrow.


macrumors 65816
May 23, 2005
Great White North
I have a Nikon F65 that I like a lot (got it 4 years ago, good pics, lots of settings, auto-focus etc, not too expensive) but man if I was to buy one now I'd totally go digital. If you have to get a 35 mm one maybe try a pawn shop, they're usually good for SLRs, as I wouldn't want to pay too much money for a film camera. If you think that you'll get into photography a lot, maybe check out the higher priced models to see which one you'd like then get a cheaper 35 mm from the same company so that the lens can be used for both as roadapple suggested.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2005
You could try eBay...although I'm not sure if you'd be comfortable with that.

Some camera shops sell used 35mm SLR's fairly cheap, especially those that cater to pro photogs! That may be a good resource to try.

Like "neocell" mentioned, pawn shops: Good Will Store, Salvation Army and some resale shops are also good places to start. Lot's of people going digital; could be a bargain there. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2005
I used a Canon A-1 for over twenty five years...great camera and likely cheap used. But its not autofocus, which is basically cheating if you really want to learn photography. An EOS 1 or 1n if you must have autofocus.


macrumors 6502
May 19, 2005
intro to photography usually still means b+w film with darkroom processing.
so unless your instructor explicitly allows you to use digital, i'd stick with film. plus, once you learn film, its easy to go to digital. personally, i still think you learn a lot by going film first (basic film chemistry, how do you develop film, how do you print pictures; plus, the most important point, avoiding the notion that improving your photography skills is to mindlessly take millions of pictures - which is what digital photography allows people to subconsciously do)

you shouldn't need auto focus. in fact, manual focus is great for experimenting with different subject point of views.

you really just need a functional el cheapo film camera body right now. you might want to pay attention to the brand if you're planning on getting a more "pro" digital or film body. if that's the case, you can start investing in lenses - i'd avoid the digital only lenses like the canon EF-S and i forget what the nikon one is.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2005
puckhead193 said:
I need a film camera... i already got a nice digital camera.

The cameras I suggested are all film cameras, they didn't make digital cameras in the 1970s and 80s ;)


macrumors 6502a
Feb 27, 2005
Northern California
I second the reccommendation for the Canon A-1. The older cameras have a much sturdier bodies, so you will be less likely to have any damage happen to it while carrying it around in your backpack. My class really varied. There were some rich kids who's parents bought them $300+ cameras for kids who had never taken a serious photo in their life. As for your situation, I would just go with an olderhigh quality camera which much cheaper, as you seem pretty well invested in the digital world, and you will probably use digital once the class is over.


macrumors 68000
Mar 14, 2004
You can get a Canon EOS 1N pretty cheap on ebay. I shot with a pair of them back in the mid 90s. It was the flagship model back then.


macrumors 68020
Apr 11, 2004
Sorry but auto-focus on an SLR :eek: , blasphomy, you should get a 100% maual camera and the only thing that it should need a battery for is the light meter. Anything else I dont really consider real SLR but thats just me, you should try these 2 cameras.

Nikon F3(mad good but expensive)
Nikon FM-2

These cameras are from the 50-70s which in my opinion is the golden age of SLR cameras


macrumors regular
Feb 21, 2005
Canon AE-1 - cheap now-- great, solid camera with FD lens compatability (before the EOS series). I'm in Photography I as well, and we're required to have manual focusing cameras (or at least be able to switch to MF from AF in a newer model). I've also got a Rebel XS (not to be confused with the XT--from '93), that has autofocus and full auto modes, but you're taking photography to learn how to create images, not how to use "Sports" mode...Plus, it's a cheap plastic body, as most new Canons are. The AE-1 is metal, so it's more durable.


macrumors member
Sep 11, 2005
I still use my Minolta X-700, 20 years since I got it as a gift as a pre-teen!

It is/was for me and many classmates, even at university, the ultimate student camera. FWIW As far as I can rememer, the later production models were made in China - I recall issues related to them. The earlier models were Japanese and had no problems other than brassing on the top plate.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 24, 2002
The Great White North Eh
I have a canon eos rebel, you can disable the autofocus if you want on it...
It has served me well, was actually the only camera that had the pictures turn out well during my wedding a few years back :D
highly recommended


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
Canons are great cameras. I have several. If you want a newer camera that has auto-focus (in almost all SLRs with auto-focus, it can be turned off), I'd look at the Elan series. It's a step up from the Rebel series and you can get them with an eye tracking sensor, so it auto-focuses on what you're looking at, not at what the camera thinks it should auto-focus on.

Last note, is a great place for both new and used equipment. I get almost all of my stuff from them, anymore. Usually, I call in the order because their sales staff tends to be knowledgible and helpful. I'd give them a try!


macrumors newbie
Aug 24, 2005
Swoyersville, PA
Camera Decision....

Time for an honest question. Do you plan on using this camera for any extensive use outside of classes or school? If you are, a Elan 7N series or N80 would be nice choices. The eye focus is just a gimmick. Either camera offers a selectable focus point or controlled by the camera. If you are going to use it for school and primarily shoot with your digital, why spend $ 400 plus on a camera system. The Rebel series or N55 or N75 are reasonable in price.

Since are from NY, a Canon T2 Rebel Kit inc. 28-90 lens is only $ 250 at B&H. The Canon Rebel K2 Kit sells for $ 210. The Nikon N55 Kit including a 28-80 sells for 200. They also have a couple of N75 kits with rebates.

Before buying one, go to a local camera store. You are in Boston at school. I am going to imagine a Ritz Camera is within distance and I believe they will have all 3 on the shelf to look at before you decide. Get a feel of the equipment and the the control layout. It is going to be your camera. If you do not feel comfortable with the layout and accessing controls on it, you will not enjoy it to the full extent.

Canon AE-1 and Pentax K-1000's are classic manual camera's. Either camera's were workhorses during their time periods. The K-1000 was the student camera of choice 10 plus years ago. Besides Ebay, you will still end up paying close to the cost of a Rebel if you go with a used AE-1 at B&H.

Just my 2 cents. I hope it helps.


macrumors 6502a
May 2, 2005
Just get a cheap, used manual camera for a photography class. I use a Nikon FE. Seriously, don't blow your money in buying an expensive film camera, because it's not going to do much good. My friend picked up a used Canon plus lens for under $300, and had no problems with photography class at all, through my school's level 1, 2, and 3.


macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2003
neocell said:
I have a Nikon F65 that I like a lot (got it 4 years ago, good pics, lots of settings, auto-focus etc, not too expensive) but man if I was to buy one now I'd totally go digital. If you have to get a 35 mm one maybe try a pawn shop, they're usually good for SLRs, as I wouldn't want to pay too much money for a film camera. If you think that you'll get into photography a lot, maybe check out the higher priced models to see which one you'd like then get a cheaper 35 mm from the same company so that the lens can be used for both as roadapple suggested.

I think that film cameras are still way better than digital. Just get a Nikon film scanner and you are set! There is a multiplication factor of 1.5 when using a 35mm lens on a digital body. Also, only certain kind of lenses synch with newer exposure systems. If you have no lenses, you might as well get a coolpix 8800 like camera when u want to go digital. There are a lot of stores that sell used camera equipment. Just get a body and the lenses you need. Note that the newer lenses with VR will cost a fortune


macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2003
Patmian212 said:
Sorry but auto-focus on an SLR :eek: , blasphomy, you should get a 100% maual camera and the only thing that it should need a battery for is the light meter. Anything else I dont really consider real SLR but thats just me, you should try these 2 cameras.

Nikon F3(mad good but expensive)
Nikon FM-2

These cameras are from the 50-70s which in my opinion is the golden age of SLR cameras

I agree but the F3 does have the Automatic aperture priority setting....I LOVE my F3. It kicks .... although it is a brick to carry :rolleyes: Also, the F2 is a great camera.

Lenses is what makes the real difference if you have a decent body!


May 10, 2004
I bought my mom a used Pentax Super-A (also called Super Program), and it was a great deal.

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