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macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 20, 2005
Thank you Jah...I'm so Blessed
So the demo is out today and from what I've seen..its very impressive except for certain spots...The dodging bullets mini game is indeed interesting.

This game is looking more like a must buy with every update....oh and look multiplayer john woo action!:eek:

PS3 or hard to choose but that hard boiled Bluray is looking too sweet to pass up.



macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
^ Thing is I can get this for €35 on 360 by importing from

However the collectors edition for PS3 will set me back €75 here if I want HardBoiled.

That's €40 difference or basically another game. I'm not paying €40 for a BD movie anyway regardless, so it looks like I'll pick up the 360 version.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Aug 20, 2005
Thank you Jah...I'm so Blessed
I've played the demo and me likes. The camera can really be a problem though...hope they fix that.

The place where I buy my games from are selling both copies at the same price...I'm going to go with the PS3 vesion.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2006
Fenton, MO
Finally played the demo of this last night.

Had fun, I dunno...I think it's a rental for me unless reviews (or members here like you, 2ny) say the multiplayer is great. It was fun, but it certainly got very repetitive; felt like I did more diving than walking. ;)

I just wonder if the story will hold up.
Max Payne 2 had a story I wanted to see fulfilled, so I played through and didn't really have a problem with overdosing on bullet time. (Haven't really played Max Payne 1)

Stranglehold...I'm not so sure of. Seems more action/shootout and less story. That's not a bad thing per se, but that would put it in a 'rental' category for me - again, unless the multiplayer shines. From the video that airs after you finish/try to quit the demo, multiplayer looks chaotic. I don't know if it's choatic yet "easy to swallow" or chaotic and full blown mass hysteria. :)

Definitely a title I will be watching closely though; always was a Chow Yun-Fat fan as well as a John Woo fan.
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