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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 2, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
That's what I like to see - back up to around 4000 points a day. Keep folding, guys! Let's break the 30,000 a week barrier!


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
We got over 4000 yesterday (13th) and are on a good pace so far today. Keep it up folks, it looks like those big pointers are starting to come in. :)

We were so close to 30k a week before this slow down, we should be able to get back up there as we level out.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 2, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
My 70 pointer isn't supposed to be done until the 17th - then maybe i'll get something OTHER than a 70 pointer. Takes too long! Boring!

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
I've got my Dual 1.25 back up and running - should help. It would be great to see a 30,000 week.....:D



macrumors 68000
Oct 21, 2002
I have lost serveral machines in the last few weeks. I just got two back on-line yesterday. Anything to help.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by mc68k
i put folding on a 1GHz 17" iMac at CompUSA.

ha - but is there any way you can check to see if you get a WU done - did you give it your user name or maybe make it CompUSA as the user but for team MacRumors - that way we know if its working ;)



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 2, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
Wow, mc68k. You know when you've reached the competition threshold when this kind of stuff starts to happen.

In a scary sort of way, it is a good idea.

Wait, wouldn't it be funnier if we put it on pc's?


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by Mr. Anderson
ha - but is there any way you can check to see if you get a WU done - did you give it your user name or maybe make it CompUSA as the user but for team MacRumors - that way we know if its working ;)
that is an interesting idea, although the credits would not go to my username. i'll probably check back this weekend.

i used my SP script and said no for the @reboot part, since i don't know the admin password. i just went in manually with crontab -e and told it
@reboot cd ~/F@H1; ./OSX-3.25 -local -advmethods
putting it on the compusa/apple store machines was not my idea originally.

Wow, mc68k. You know when you've reached the competition threshold when this kind of stuff starts to happen.
so true. i plan on doing the library lab at state agian this summer.


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
Originally posted by mc68k
i put folding on a 1GHz 17" iMac at CompUSA.

Great idea. I will do this next time I'm at a computer store. I have already put it on lots of computers at school.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
make sure that folding starts at reboot, as i'm sure the computers restart every day. make sure the computers are hooked up with a network connection-- the two stores here in SD only have one Mac a piece that is hooked up to the Internet...and it's usually in the most visible location.

just change your editor to pico
setenv EDITOR /usr/bin/pico
that way when you type in crontab -e you get an easy editor to work with (default is vi).

you don't have to have folding run at startup, but i bet the next day the machine restarts and it never folds again. just my 2¢


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 2, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
Speaking of 4000+ a day, it looks like we're gonna do it again, and then some. It's 6:47 PM CDT and we're up to 3,600 for today already, and there's still a little over five hours of today left....w00t!


macrumors 604
Originally posted by mc68k
make sure that folding starts at reboot, as i'm sure the computers restart every day. make sure the computers are hooked up with a network connection-- the two stores here in SD only have one Mac a piece that is hooked up to the Internet...and it's usually in the most visible location.

just change your editor to pico
setenv EDITOR /usr/bin/pico
that way when you type in crontab -e you get an easy editor to work with (default is vi).

you don't have to have folding run at startup, but i bet the next day the machine restarts and it never folds again. just my 2¢

Okay so post the complete list of commands in order we need to do this with.

This is what I have so far.
setenv EDITOR /usr/bin/pico
crontab -e
@reboot cd ~/F@H1; ./OSX-3.25 -local -advmethods

Is that everything or is there more. Also do you think there any sort of repurcussions that could come back on us for doing this.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
you are correct. the @reboot... line is entered after you are in the editor, you quit the editor, and the crontab is saved. this is after you've installed folding of course. if you want to check if folding is running you can type in top and then q to quit top.

from dling, running the script and typing in the crontab entry it shouldn't be more than a minute (unless you're hiding what u're doing under windows and such). i would practice on a mac first...i wouldn't suggest going into a store and trying it for the first time.

as for consequences...if you're not comfortable with any part of it then i wouldn't go through with it. the worst that could happen is that your face would be associated with trouble on every subsequent visit to that place of business. i could come up what with a million different situations and possible outcomes, but i feel confident that the average salesperson can be fooled into thinking i'm just another dumb consumer. everyone is painted as a uneducated consumer by salespeople, trust me.

so if in doubt play it dumb. to inspire confidence in the masses: i've been causing computer trouble since ~96 and haven't got caught yet. be confident in your own abilities.


macrumors 604
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
MB, this is the exact same stuff I gave you before. Did it not work?

What we did before worked. At least I think it did. The settings are changed but I haven't gotten a gromacs unit yet.

I thought the commands we are dealing with here are commands to automatically reactivate folding after a restart even if you aren't the admin.


macrumors 604
Originally posted by mc68k
you are correct. the @reboot... line is entered after you are in the editor, you quit the editor, and the crontab is saved. this is after you've installed folding of course. if you want to check if folding is running you can type in top and then q to quit top.

from dling, running the script and typing in the crontab entry it shouldn't be more than a minute (unless you're hiding what u're doing under windows and such). i would practice on a mac first...i wouldn't suggest going into a store and trying it for the first time.

as for consequences...if you're not comfortable with any part of it then i wouldn't go through with it. the worst that could happen is that your face would be associated with trouble on every subsequent visit to that place of business. i could come up what with a million different situations and possible outcomes, but i feel confident that the average salesperson can be fooled into thinking i'm just another dumb consumer. everyone is painted as a uneducated consumer by salespeople, trust me.

so if in doubt play it dumb. to inspire confidence in the masses: i've been causing computer trouble since ~96 and haven't got caught yet. be confident in your own abilities.

No I don't have a problem with doing it myself and feel confident in typing the commands in a short amount of time. Also with the folding setup script it should all go quite fast.

I just wanted to be the voice of reason and ask the questions to get the answers to educate the novices before they go do this.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by MacBandit
What we did before worked. At least I think it did. The settings are changed but I haven't gotten a gromacs unit yet.
to verify you can do a crontab -l

I thought the commands we are dealing with here are commands to automatically reactivate folding after a restart even if you aren't the admin.
you are correct. that's the beauty of the @reboot part, it's universally invoked at startup even if it's in a user crontab.


macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by MacBandit
I just wanted to be the voice of reason and ask the questions to get the answers to educate the novices before they go do this.
yeah we should make a sticky: how to subjugate macs for folding in 1 minute or less. :D ;) :p

i would also suggest writing down the crontab line and double checking bc if you get one character wrong then it won't start.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by mc68k
yeah we should make a sticky: how to subjugate macs for folding in 1 minute or less. :D ;) :p

i would also suggest writing down the crontab line and double checking bc if you get one character wrong then it won't start.

the crontab issue could be put in the FAQ - along with links to the SP and DP scripts - explaining how they work and what they do exactly, that way no one gets overly worried about running them...



macrumors 68000
Apr 16, 2002
Originally posted by dukestreet
the crontab issue could be put in the FAQ - along with links to the SP and DP scripts - explaining how they work and what they do exactly, that way no one gets overly worried about running them...
possibly-- i don't know if that would be too complicated for the casual adopter (the crontab part). rower and i are trying to keep it simple..we could make an in depth one as a seperate sticky but that might clutter things (?)

it would be fun divulging the nitty-gritty, but that would also make it publicly accesible-- good for the project bad for competition.

what say ye?


macrumors 604
Originally posted by mc68k
possibly-- i don't know if that would be too complicated for the casual adopter (the crontab part). rower and i are trying to keep it simple..we could make an in depth one as a seperate sticky but that might clutter things (?)

it would be fun divulging the nitty-gritty, but that would also make it publicly accesible-- good for the project bad for competition.

what say ye?

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