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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 20, 2016
Hey Guys,

Ever since I bought my MacBook Pro 15", new 2011 model bought in the corresponding year, I have had this problem.

When I want to shut down my Mac, Finder crashes and it does not shutdown. I have to forcibly shut down the computer by holding down the power button.

I can right click Finder to relaunch it but this does not help. I have taken this machine back to Apple many times but they can't fix this issue...

I am now on the 5th refurb, I might be a record holder?

I also tried different drives and RAM but the problem is still here. Apple does not know what to do in my case...

Can you guys please help me resolve this?


Mar 15, 2013
Looks like the issue's down to whatever config or software you're using or you've restored from Time Machine each time and it restored whatever's causing the problem onto your Mac.

Have you tried a fresh install of OS X and see if still happens?

Edit: just saw yours is a 2011 model, could be related to the GPU issue.
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
There is no way you got five bad refurbs. It sounds like you have some third party app or utility running that is causing this. Try to restart in safe mode by holding the shift key at boot. That will stop all startup and launch items from running. Come back and tell us if that fixes it.


macrumors G3
Aug 3, 2006
I agree that your issue sounds more like a software problem than anything else. Do a clean install and make sure it shuts down correctly. Then install your programs, one by one, shutting down after each install to see if you can pinpoint which one is causing it.


macrumors regular
Original poster
May 20, 2016
Thanks for all the comments! Unfortunately, I have tried all the mentioned solutions and then some, hoping they will fix my problem. Apple has also tired their hand at this issue, many times and without success.

I don't use any 'weird' software on the machine and use it solely for work; FCPX, Logic Pro X, Pro Tools 12, Sketch, Photoshop and Sublime Text 3.

I think the problem might also be hardware related as the FW800 port has never connected devices properly on the first try.

At this point I have gone somewhat numb to this problem and the way Apple is dealing with it. I'm not going to rant but Apple has spent quiet a lot of money on 'not fixing' my problem. I don't know what the exact cost is for Apple supplying me with 5 refurbishes but I can assume it is way less than giving me 1 'proper' machine.

In closing, if someone is interested I can start a detailed thread about my 'exchanges' with Apple and how much money/refurbishes they spent on me. In the meantime, I'll just soldier on to refurb 6.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
OP wrote
"When I want to shut down my Mac, Finder crashes and it does not shutdown. I have to forcibly shut down the computer by holding down the power button."

OP, please try my suggestion right now and get back to us as to whether it works for you, or not.

1. Instead of choosing shut down, choose to LOG OUT instead.
2. This will place you at the log in screen.
3. At the bottom are options to shut down or restart.
4. Try shut down from THIS button instead.
5. Please come back and tell us if this makes a difference for you.

Due to -something- on my El Capitan setup, I find that I have to use this workaround, but it works just fine.

Not perfect solution, but I go with "What works".


macrumors regular
Original poster
May 20, 2016
OP wrote
"When I want to shut down my Mac, Finder crashes and it does not shutdown. I have to forcibly shut down the computer by holding down the power button."

OP, please try my suggestion right now and get back to us as to whether it works for you, or not.

1. Instead of choosing shut down, choose to LOG OUT instead.
2. This will place you at the log in screen.
3. At the bottom are options to shut down or restart.
4. Try shut down from THIS button instead.
5. Please come back and tell us if this makes a difference for you.

Due to -something- on my El Capitan setup, I find that I have to use this workaround, but it works just fine.

Not perfect solution, but I go with "What works".

That also does not work. Finder crashes when I logout.


macrumors regular
Original poster
May 20, 2016
Alright guys, I fixed it! I went through my Library and removed old Digidesign drivers and preferences. I don't know specifically which one was the culprit but once I removed them I could finally shut down my mac normally. Good times!


macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
When in doubt start with a clean system and reinstall each product one by one instead of restoring products from a backup. Then restore your specific data from the backup.


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
When in doubt start with a clean system and reinstall each product one by one instead of restoring products from a backup. Then restore your specific data from the backup.
It is normally easier to troubleshoot by testing with a safe mode boot like I mentioned earlier. If a safe mode boot fixes it, then that tells you it is some third party utility or launch item causing the problem. Then you can use the utility Etrecheck to list all those launch items and start removing them to find the offender.
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