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Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
TMA said:
...I don't like being reminded that I'm not in the MacRumors elite 'inner circle'.

Seriously, I keep on reading about cliques and inner circles on MR. Could someone please tell me who makes up this clique?

...because I'd like to be part of it. :D

Admittedly, there are groups here that share an ongoing conversation but you have to understand that many of these people are known to each other in the real world, regularly meet up and have drinks.

Personally, I've helped organise a large publically-announced meetup with an open invitation to all who wanted to attend, making it as accessible as possible...

I've done my bit as MR Social Director (UK) to encourage a sense of community amongst those who were lucky enough to be able to attend and from that event, friendships have evolved.

I've said it before: one person's friends are another's clique...

So for those of you in London and the UK, the next time we have a big MR meetup, I urge you to get your skates on and do your best to attend because we want to meet you... you get out what you put in. :)


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
TMA said:
Yeah I don't like being a guinea pig and I don't like being reminded that I'm not in the MacRumors elite 'inner circle'.

I can't see how the fact you didn't like the numbers under some 'tars means you were a Guinea pig in any way. Was something done to you you're not telling us about? :p

I really don't think this is such a big deal. I'm not trying to belittle the fact that you obviously feel that you were somehow used or excluded from something, but there are more important things in the world to get upset about than numbers under pictures on an Internet forum. The focus of MR is discussing computers - it's what's in the posts that is interesting, not what's next to them. If there's an elite here, I would think it would be the knowledgable members who spend time helping the rest of us.

I just don't like the divide on MacRumors, it feels like there are some people that pay to be really important and in the know and everyone else is on a lower level.

That's nasty, and really out of line. The fact is that some people pay to help support the amazing job Arn does, and the amazing community he has made possible. Those who contribute, do it out of gratitude for the help and friendship they've experienced on this forum.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2003
Please don't take any of the following as rude, it's just an illustration to point out where these feelings of cliques and inner circles come from...

Blue Velvet said:
I've done my bit as MR Social Director

Social Director? For myself and many others, because you're a recognised MR regular its hard not to think that's a genuine title that was given to you in a private meeting, voted for or decided on by other members of the 'inner circle'. So that leads me to believe there is an elite inner circle.

Blue Velvet said:
...attend because we want to meet you

again another emphasis on a 'we'.

Just lots of little things like this add up.


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
I think you're being overly sensitive. She said "we" because a group was organized in the past that started as a bunch of "I's" and is now a "we" because people made the effort to come meet up.

That group, which is now a "we" wants to have more "we's" join them so as to expand their social circle and make new friends. That isn't cliquishness - that's simple social behavior. Or behaviour, I suppose, since they're British and all.

As for the "Social Director" thing, she's just making a quip about what she did to organize the meeting.

I fail to see why anyone would resent the fact that some people have friends that aren't common with them. You're putting too much stock into this frail internet "social order".

I also suppose that ~Shard~ is now a target since he refers to himself as the MR Bastard? Of course, many of us might have voted on that had we had the opportunity, so maybe you're on to something...


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2003
annk said:
That's nasty, and really out of line. The fact is that some people pay to help support the amazing job Arn does, and the amazing community he has made possible.

I'd be quite happy to pay to support the site but would it be possible for me to do this whilst keeping my current status?

I think perhaps the difference might also be a cultural thing? Some of the other forums I frequent a largely based around just the UK and I don't notice the same thing.


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
TMA said:
Please don't take any of the following as rude, it's just an illustration to point out where these feelings of cliques and inner circles come from...

Social Director? For myself and many others, because you're a recognised MR regular its hard not to think that's a genuine title that was given to you in a private meeting, voted for or decided on by other members of the 'inner circle'. So that leads me to believe there is an elite inner circle.

again another emphasis on a 'we'.

Just lots of little things like this add up.

That's extremely paranoid, and rather ungrateful. BV went to a lot of trouble to suggest and coordinate a MR get together to whom absolutely everyone who read the thread, was invited. I don't know BV personally, and I wasn't there, but I thought it was great, and admired the initiative. On the day it happened, I thought about them getting together, and hoped they had a nice day.

First you criticize those who voluntarily offer financial support to the site, then you say you (and a lot of others, apparently) believe secret meetings are held where "recognized" members (what on earth are those - do you mean people who often offer good advice when questions are posted, free of charge and in a friendly manner???) are given titles by vote.

Come on. :mad: Enough is enough.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2003
annk said:
Come on. :mad: Enough is enough.

I think i've made a few misunderstandings and i've not made myself very clear so you're misunderstanding me. :/

Edit: Fixed a silly typo & added quote.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
TMA said:
Social Director? For myself and many others, because you're a recognised MR regular its hard not to think that's a genuine title that was given to you in a private meeting, voted for or decided on by other members of the 'inner circle'.


The phrase was meant completely tongue-in-cheek and no-one ever bestowed it upon me, nor has it ever been discussed... what your comments illustrate though, is an alarming sense of paranoia and a real chip on your shoulder about this. Nothing about what you say adds up at all.

Still, when I get round to turning my PMs back on, you're welcome to PM me an email address so I can remind you when the next mass meetup is due. Seriously, I'd be happy to buy you the first pint. :)

Edit: Also remember, I haven't always been a regular. I was once a scorned n00b. I've been here for just over 2 years but consistently here and fairly prolific. That's the key to being a recognised 'face'... not changing your avatar helps as well. I liked your old one better. ;)


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
TMA said:
I think i've made a few misunderstandings and i've not made myself very clear so you're not misunderstanding me.
This would be a good example of that. I think. :confused: ;)


Blimey, Blue Velvet's gone out of her way to organise events widely open to everyone on MR that have been great fun for those of us that went. I'm sorry if someone taking their own time to make a great evening or day out seems cliquey, but I think she deserves thanks for this, not accusation.

You are always going to get people who 'click' with each other on a forum, whether or not they've met up or not. In my opinion, that's what's good about them, you make friends. I don't remember ever thinking the demis were cliquey before I was kindly gifted a subscription, in spite of being aware of in-jokes.

Edit: OK, that took too long to type, and much has been said since then. :p

But I do think that people do get worked up about the cliquiness — I was ripped apart at school and am over-sensitive to feeling left out, I know that. But even I could tell it's all good natured banter.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2003
Blue Velvet said:
I liked your old one better. ;)

Again, i'm not trying to offend, but i'd be amazed if anyone even remembered what my old Avatar was, yet alone noticed I had a different one.


Staff member
Apr 18, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow
TMA said:
I think i've made a few misunderstandings and i've not made myself very clear so you're misunderstanding me. :/

Edit: Fixed a silly typo & added quote.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding, but to me, what you wrote about being used and excluded, and your comments about secret meetings and people contributing to feel important, seemed unwarranted and unfair.

If you, as you mention, were being unclear, and didn't mean those things, then I have no issue with what you wrote.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
emw said:
I also suppose that ~Shard~ is now a target since he refers to himself as the MR Bastard? Of course, many of us might have voted on that had we had the opportunity, so maybe you're on to something...

Guilty as charged. :D I make no excuses regarding who I am. Hey, it's what I do... :cool:

And I agree with others here - being a Demi is nothing "special" or "elite" in they way it is being suggested. Members become Demis when they contribute to the site. They appreciate arn's efforts and want to support the site and pay for something they find value in. Nothing wrong with that. Also, many members, Demis and non-Demis alike, have created friendships because of MacRumors. I don't see how this could possibly be a bad thing.

And lastly, although this reputation thing intrigued me (and initially ticked me off a bit too since I didn't authorize anyone to edit my avatar!), what's the big deal? It's a number underneath a picture, which itself gets far too much focus as well. If someone's biggest problem in their life is regarding the displaying of text and pixels a certain way on an Internet Forum, they have bigger personal issues to worry about. ;) :cool:

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
TMA said:
Again, i'm not trying to offend, but i'd be amazed if anyone even remembered what my old Avatar was, yet alone noticed I had a different one.

It was pale grey and had the little black slab in it. Tycho Magnetic Anomaly. ;)

See, I do care and I do remember these things about people. Eye for detail and the visual memory of a... a... thing that has a great visual memory. :D

Come now. You're not doing your bit to endear yourself and your last post suggests to me that you're fishing for sympathy.


macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
~Shard~ said:
It's a number underneath a picture, which itself gets far to much focus as well.

Although on topic here, and related to what you say — this whole "reputation" experiment reminds me of Jane Elliott's discrimination exercise back in 1968.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2003
I think perhaps what's got me abit worked up is that I am a tad on the paranoid side, (I try to get help for it), and I can normally weigh up a situation and come out with a logical understanding. However with me there will come a point where I cannot help but think on the paranoid side.

This has really come from this reputation thing. My train of thought goes something like this (and i'm not suggested this is the 'right' way to thing, but i'd feel happier if someone could agree with me)...

- A lot of people with demi status (and a few non demis) are given a reputation.
- Who decided who gets a 'reputation'
- Did they decide I didn't need/deserve/warrant a reputation?
- If thats just me being paranoid, then what else could be happening?
- Someones just having fun.
- Wait - it's a bit inconsiderate to play games on a community like this.
- There will be an explanation
- There's not been an explanation, someone realises they're being reckless and inconsiderate and doesn't want to own up.
- No, that's just being paranoid, what else could be happening?
- Arns making a point that he believes a reputation system would be daft, so he sets about creating a rigged/loaded 'demonstration' that gets people worked up in to a ruckass about nothing, thus is able to use this as evidence that a reputation system would be a bad idea.
- Hmm I must be right about one or all of the above, because I can't think of anything else.

Since then, i've not succeeded in communicating my point very well at all, offending and upsetting a few folks hence further pushing myself away from any chance of making friends or fitting in within any communities here that I may or may not wish to be a part of.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
emw said:

Son of a b*tch bastard a$$ crap!!!

Well done my friend, well done... :D

Um, I mean, "What are you talking about? My initial post is correct, look for yourself. You have taken my quote and removed a letter in a vain attempt to frame me for poor grammar usage!"



macrumors 65816
Sep 19, 2005
South of the border
TMA said:
Hmm I must be right about one or all of the above, because I can't think of anything else.

Yes, you are. You're not offending anyone (really). It just takes time and effort and patience getting to know people to a level where you feel like you're part of it. Fitting in and making friends are added bonuses but it's not really for the most part, as far as i can tell, what this site is about. Now go and help some grateful and broadly anonymous n00bs in the Basics forum and feel better.


Dec 12, 2005
My suspicion about the reputation thing has always been that it was just the demis (and some others?) larking about and altering their avatars like they have done before. Maybe it was to make a point about how daft the idea of having 'reputations' is. Whatever this was about I really wish we could now declare this correspondence closed.
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