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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 1, 2007
I bought the iphone as soon as it came out.
but for the last three days i've been stuck with a $640 Brick!!!!
Att is useless, cant help over the phone or activate over the phone!!
I HAVE 6 different att Phone numbers. lol
any helP???


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
You need a new SIM card. Read at least 2 accounts of that working in some thread.


macrumors 6502
Jun 4, 2007
This is really ridculous with the money people had to dish out for these phones and 2 year contracts. All this hype for something not to work for at least 2 days +. They have to compensate people for this because this is one of the worst launchs I have ever seen.


macrumors member
Jan 10, 2006
what happen withme was.. they made one of my other phones the iphone service and not the one i want and they told me i enter inthe wrong number but i didnt. so one lady told me to go get a new sim from the store and ill call you back with in anhour or so.. came home.. she called me back and she got apple on the phone and her at the same time to reslove my problem. they were both nice ladys on the phone, att lady called me back to day to see how things were going.

good luck. im sure you will get it just need to get the right tech onthe phone that is willing to help you.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 30, 2005
Green Bay, WI
"This is really ridculous with the money people had to dish out for these phones and 2 year contracts. All this hype for something not to work for at least 2 days +. They have to compensate people for this because this is one of the worst launchs I have ever seen."

You clearly have no concept of the cellular industry. If you think this is bad, try working at a Cingular store. This has been a great launch with minimal problems. Sim cards are cheaply made. In this case, I agree its a bad sim card and would take no time to fix. But with this many phones coming online at once, customer service is not where it should be.

Truth is that some have problems, but once it works it no longer matters since this really is one heck of a phone!
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