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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 6, 2016
First time Mac user, having issues!!!

6 month old Macbook Pro is freezing to the point where I have to power off with off button

This started happening yesterday after some raw camera files would not download to my computer direct from camera.

I was using image capture but then managed to download them using photos. Immediately from then my mac started freezing. I have since deleted the files but some are still on an external hard drive.

It started working again but is now freezing when I try to do anything more than edit a photo/video. Was brilliant before yesterday.

I dont know anything tech about computers, childlike! I have been googling and im reading about kernel task. Mine says memory size 888mb and virtual memory 71 gb. Is this incredibly high?

Any help most appreciated. Im stuck on a little island with no hope of rescue! (Mac rescue)


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
Yes that's incredibly high. Not sure what to do about it but you could try booting without the external drive attached and clearing out any trash.


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
Try booting into safe mode and see how that runs. If it's good you may want to restore from a time machine back up if you have one, if not you could use safe mode to back up any files you need and reinstall OS X.
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