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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 19, 2012

Steve Jobs ever said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

And we want to say, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it using something you don’t need.”

Continue reading this post if you belong to one of the following groups:

  1. Keeping a journal is always something you know you should do, but can never seem to pin down due to laziness or lack of ideas to write about.
  2. You want to enjoy a brand new journaling experience.
  3. You’re interested in knowing how you’ve changed over the years.
  4. You are creative but still need some inspiration.
  5. You are embarking on a new phase in your life.
More than 10,000 stories are shared on Loopify in one month. The longer people use Loopify, the better story they tell. Let’s check out the 7 reasons to journal with Loopify!

1. Journaling Becomes An Interesting Game

Now you won’t get stuck with the dreaded blank pages alone.

Loopify turns journaling into an interesting game by providing daily journal prompts to massage your brain gently into a more productive state of mind.

In addition to helping you record your personal history, preserve your thoughts and experiences, Loopify also takes you down unexplored path and encourages you to dig out new ideas, pen your desires and dreams, plan out your future goals and career path and more.

Answering one prompt after another helps you get into the habit of keeping a journal, just stick to it and those precious moments will be connected together and look like beautiful pearl jewelry.

2. See How You’ve Changed Over The Years

Loopify’s another secret sauce for making journaling more insightful is to let you answer the same question on the same date every year.

Like Timehop or Facebook’s On This Day, you will be able to compare your answers from year to year to see what’s changed in your life and what stays all the same even after 20 years with great fondness.

The longer you write, the clearer picture of your life you will have in your mind. Looking back over your journal allows you to discover your personal patterns of behaviors that help you succeed in your life and see patterns that stand in the way of your growth.

3. Share Your Stories With The World

"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. - Muriel Rukeyser"

No on is an island. People are connected by stories because they are stories themselves, and that’s why we make Loopify an open journaling space.

You will read stories close to people’s hearts and minds instead of tons of re-posts you are not interested in. And it’s always fun and inspiring to see how people answer the same question from different angles.

People are brought together through similar emotions and thoughts to form a deeper community, and you can grow friendship into a strong, lasting relationship on Loopify.

4. Handy And Effective

It’s good to journal with pen and paper, but if you’re an always-on-the-go-mobile-device-in-your-hand kind of person and want to journal in a more creative and effective way, Loopify is your first choice.

Loopify is a time capsule at your fingertips, whenever you have a few minutes while watching TV, commuting or waiting for something, just launch Loopify to enjoy the freedom to write anytime, anywhere.

Don’t worry about grammar, style or whether your writing is good enough, turn those worries into writing. Practice makes perfect, once you start writing, you’ll be amazed at how your writing skill has been improved.

5. Positively Change Your Life

To answer daily prompts of Loopify, you will be trained into a good observer?—?of ideas, people, surroundings and the world around. You will also pay attention to your feelings which are often an early indicator of something brewing.

Journaling is a problem solving tool. Writing things down enhances your thinking by eliminating the mental noise and removing random thoughts that were taking up space, you can start analyzing and exploring systematically to come up with solutions more easily.

When you journal, you will release attachment to what you are writing about and feel more stress-free and get closer to your core by letting things be as they are.

The more you write, the clearer you feel, your self-esteem and self-confidence will be improved as well, and you will learn how to express yourself more freely.

6. You Write, You Exist

By keeping a journal, you write yourself into history. Keeping a journal is a valuable gift to your future self, you can go back and relive your past experience so that you don’t have to re-learn it later.

Your journal can also be a lovely gift for your children to look through. Peeking at the old days is fascinating to your children and by passing your life experience and wisdom helps them lead a better life.

7. Your Reason Here

In fact I have the 7th reason in my mind, but why not try Loopify by yourself and comment below or drop us a line to tell me yours?

Oh I forget to mention Loopify has an older sister called “Loop Journal”, a private version of Loopify with her lips sealed, password protection, calendar view and more. 1.99USD for your lifetime memory is definitely beyond its price!

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