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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 2, 2015

I was just preparing to JB for the first time, but it says this on the Pangu page:

Option “Use embedded certificate effective until April 2017"
  • If you chose the option "Use embedded certificate effective until April 2017", Pangu 9 will install an app that is signed by a revoked certificate. Before April 2017, you will not need reinstall Pangu jailbreak app.
  • If you want to sign the app with your own certificate, do not select this option.

Since it is now April 2017, am I still able to use this to JB my phone running 9.2.1?


Peter K.

macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2012
Philly / SoCal / Jersey Shore
This jailbreak is "semi-untethered", which means that you have to re-jailbreak every time you reboot or power down and back up.

To do so, an app named "PP(a bunch of Chinese characters)" will be installed during the jailbreak process. Running this app, followed by pressing the sleep switch, leads to re-jailbreaking your device.

This is the app that will "expire" after this month. A known, now "retired" jailbreaker, named Luca Todesco created a website ( to take over this functionality. It doesn't expire.

So, to answer your question: yes, you can still use this jailbreak on your iPhone.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 2, 2015
This jailbreak is "semi-untethered", which means that you have to re-jailbreak every time you reboot or power down and back up.

To do so, an app named "PP(a bunch of Chinese characters)" will be installed during the jailbreak process. Running this app, followed by pressing the sleep switch, leads to re-jailbreaking your device.

This is the app that will "expire" after this month. A known, now "retired" jailbreaker, named Luca Todesco created a website ( to take over this functionality. It doesn't expire.

So, to answer your question: yes, you can still use this jailbreak on your iPhone.

Thank you for that. Yes, the JB worked just fine. And thanks for the link for the reboot. I had noticed that on the site itself but now it's clear to me what exactly it's for.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 2, 2015
This jailbreak is "semi-untethered", which means that you have to re-jailbreak every time you reboot or power down and back up.

To do so, an app named "PP(a bunch of Chinese characters)" will be installed during the jailbreak process. Running this app, followed by pressing the sleep switch, leads to re-jailbreaking your device.

This is the app that will "expire" after this month. A known, now "retired" jailbreaker, named Luca Todesco created a website ( to take over this functionality. It doesn't expire.

So, to answer your question: yes, you can still use this jailbreak on your iPhone.

Actually it turns out that it didn't work just fine. I got the Cydia app, but it crashes upon launch. After doing some research it seems like the best idea might be to reboot my iPhone and then try the PP helper method and see if that works. I'm a total newbie at this there so wondering if you have any suggestions? Thanks

Peter K.

macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2012
Philly / SoCal / Jersey Shore
Actually it turns out that it didn't work just fine. I got the Cydia app, but it crashes upon launch. After doing some research it seems like the best idea might be to reboot my iPhone and then try the PP helper method and see if that works. I'm a total newbie at this there so wondering if you have any suggestions? Thanks

Trying the PP... app to enable the JB initially sounds like a good idea. Technically, that is what I did, as there was no re-JB website yet back then.


macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2016
Hi! Just wondering, i have a iphone 6s plus ios 9.3.3. Im planning to jb it using pangu. Since pangu is already expired last april 2017. Can i still jb my device? Thank you


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2013
First Jailbreak with Pangu as that will install cydia
The certificate has expired, go here follow prompt and save a short cut to your device.

Do nothing more than click it, no need to redo any fresh installed jailbreaks

It will be placed into cache to be used later, this one will not expire
The one year certificate was NOT based upon your jailbreak day but the start of the certificate that Pangu used which now is expired
edit: I used this method months ago knowing this day was likely to come before the next JB

here is a little more info


macrumors 68020
Sep 2, 2013
Mine was expired. All I did was went into settings and changed the date to anytime before April and the PP app worked again.

Then changed the date back and done, I didn't do any jailbreakme or whatever.


macrumors newbie
Nov 24, 2016
thank you masters!

now, im confused. there are 2 pangu site. i read that this website is not legit or a scammer, is this true? and the other one is

so which is the best method masters?
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