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macrumors G5
Original poster
Mar 27, 2017
Apple has finally published the product sheet for September 2019.

  • iPhone XR - 11.16 Whr
  • iPhone 11 - 11.91 Whr (7% more)
  • iPhone XS - 10.13 Whr
  • iPhone 11 Pro - 11.67 Whr (15% more)
  • iPhone XS Max - 12.08 Whr
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max - 15.04 Whr (25% more)

More than half of the credit can be attributed to the big battery. For example, the XS Max has a 15 hour video playback rating while the Pro Max has 20 hours, which represents a 33% increase.

The removal of the 3D Touch layer (0.5mm) has allowed for a thicker battery. This is in addition to the increase from 7.7mm to 8.1mm of the body.
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macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Just for the battery life alone I Would have gone for the Max but I realised even after 2 years (8 plus and Xs Max) of the max models I can’t still hold it properly with one hand. It’s just too big for me to comfortably handle. One handed use on public transport is just a no no with that size, so I had to go with the normal size. Wish I watched movies on the phone to convince myself to get the Max model but even that’s not a thing for my usage pattern.


macrumors 68020
Dec 3, 2017
Very good to hear. Funny how the XR was marketed as the battery beast last year. Now you have to reach much deeper into your wallet if you want the “best battery life in an iPhone”. I guess dropping the price on the 11 gives that phone it’s selling point, and they can push a few million more people towards the more expensive phone.
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