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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 13, 2020
I know through the share sheet in iOS and macOS that you can add a web page to Apple notes but it does so as a link.

Im trying to add articles that I sometimes find on various sites to Apple notes but I would prefer to somehow generate a nicely formatted PDF of the article and then add that PDF to Apple notes.

I’ve tried using the Safari Reader and then sending to print and then sharing from there but often times images are blank when trying this route.

I’ve also tried intermediary apps like Bear but for features like exporting to pdf, it requires a premium subscription.

Any ideas or suggestions of how I can get a nicely formatted PDF of the article on a web page and send it to Apple notes? Really wish it had a web clipper like Evernote but even today no such thing exists.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

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