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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2008
Valley Park, Missouri
I recently read that if I wanted to add RAM to a Macbook that I should NOT buy it from Apple, but from some other vender because Apple charges too much. If that's the case, is it easy for a consumer to add RAM to one of the new Macbooks? If not, then maybe I should spend the extra $$$ and have Apple install it.

If I can add RAM, does it void the warranty?

If I do nothing more then surf the Internet, load photos, burn DVDs with Handbrake, do I need more then 2 GB of RAM?


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Great - next question:

I have a MacBook coming with 1 Gigs RAM.

Can I get a 2 Gig chip so I can get 2.5 Gigs?

Does having the different chips in the slots actually slow down graphics performance?


macrumors 604
Aug 28, 2007
San Francisco California, USA
I'll comment on the need for more...

RAM, 2GB should be enough for those applications to all be running at the same time and have 5-6 webpages open. Unless you are doing heavy media/graphics via InDesign, Final Cut Express 4, or Logic Express 8, you shouldn't have a huge problem. Also, list your specs for us if you could. Thanks :cool:


macrumors newbie
Jul 5, 2007
rayvrwc: You're fine

For the usage you listed, you will be ABSOLUTELY FINE with the default config.

later on, as OS X develops and craves more RAM, you can add it then, and for cheaper than now.

For what you listed as usage, you really don't need more than 2GB


macrumors 6502a
Dec 23, 2007
I was thinking of upgrading my RAM. As of now I just use my MB for web surfing, and when I occasionally decide to do homework :rolleyes: In the future I hope to be doing some Graphic Design on it, but that's a few months away. Anywho, I'n thinking upgrading to 2 is good, right?

Also, what is the best RAM. I've read some of the brands on here but I don't remember. And do I have to order online or are there some major chain stores (Fry's, Best Buy, etc.) that sell RAM?


macrumors newbie
Jul 5, 2007

ask around, but you'd be better with 2GB balanced (about 50 bucks from or macmall or others 2x 1GB modules) than you would unbalanced RAM of 2GB + 528

Unbalanced RAM setups are not recommended.


macrumors newbie
Jul 5, 2007

I was thinking of upgrading my RAM. As of now I just use my MB for web surfing, and when I occasionally decide to do homework :rolleyes: In the future I hope to be doing some Graphic Design on it, but that's a few months away. Anywho, I'n thinking upgrading to 2 is good, right?

Also, what is the best RAM. I've read some of the brands on here but I don't remember. And do I have to order online or are there some major chain stores (Fry's, Best Buy, etc.) that sell RAM?

there are not massive performance differences amongst RAM Modules, especially for the Macbook.

anything from or newegg should be fine--wherever you get the best price.

(PS: Don't listen to the benchmark geeks on this one: they'll spend $60 of your money for something you'll never ever notice)


macrumors member
Jan 19, 2008
2 gigs is good

Your RAM looks good at 2 gigs... to me thats all you need ... but then again... you might


macrumors member
Jul 9, 2005
Do they solder one of the dimms to the MOBO? Will ordering a blackbook with 2 x 1GB prevent me from ever installing 2x 2gb?


macrumors G4
I'd love to see a link to these results... it sounds way too high.
Barefeats did some test a while back but I can't find them now. The bottom line was that, overall, dual-channel added about 5% of a performance improvement. Video intensive things were about 8% since the MBs GPU used the system RAM. I confirmed the 5% on my iMacs using 2X1GB and 1X2GB and running Geekbench. Scores where about 5% lower on the 2GB single stick.

The benefits are real but marginal. To quote from an article from

"April 20th, 2006 -- Matched Memory Pairs make your Intel Mac Faster. Some of you were asking whether you would gain any speed using matched memory pairs on your Macbook Pro, Intel Mac or Intel mini. In our testing, iMovie renders were 3% faster with matched pairs. Our Photoshop CS2 MP actions ran 6% faster with matched pairs."

In cases where every bit of speed counts, there is a benefit to using matched RAM, particularly to those using professional applications, which tend to be RAM-intensive and where every second counts. The benefit may be slightly more noticeable on Macs with integrated video (MacBook, Mini), where the video processor uses main system memory (rather than dedicated VRAM). The speed of main memory response on those machines will affect video performance in all programs.

However, the benefits are marginal enough for most users that it is fair to say that the typical user will see no noticeable benefit from using matched RAM and will, in almost every case, see more benefit from buying more RAM than from ensuring that the RAM is matched (i.e., upgrading a 2 x 256MB system to 1 x 256 MB + 1 x 1 GB would be wiser than upgrading it to 2 x 512 MB for almost all users).
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