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macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
2ndPath said:
Wasn't Lightroom developed originally by Macromedia? That way it can only have been in Adobe's hands for a short time. Or do I remember incorrectly and it was indeed developed all the time by Adobe?
It was an Adobe project. There was some initial confusion about that because they made betas available through the old Macromedia developer site.


macrumors 6502
Feb 21, 2006
iMeowbot said:
It was an Adobe project. There was some initial confusion about that because they made betas available through the old Macromedia developer site.

Thanks for the explanation.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2004
Tucson, AZ
I'm pretty sure that Adobe said at one point that the next version of Acrobat Pro would be Universal and that it would be the first UB they release. IIRC, the timeframe was early Fall, so that may be what they are showing.

They may also toss in some CS demos -- I have no problem waiting until Spring 2007 as long as the eventual UB version of CS3 is solid and fast.



macrumors 65816
May 20, 2003
mduser63 said:
Would a public beta be impossible? A public beta for current CS2 owners that expired when CS3 was released would certainly be nice, and I don't see what the downside to Adobe would be.

Professional users are not going to use a beta for production work, they can't afford to lose time because of crashing, incorrect results either.

The only upside to releasing a public beta at this time would be to satisfy the geeks. That would serve no purpose to Adobe.

Honestly, anyone who thinks Adobe should release a public beta, please answer this question: do you want Adobe to release a public version so you can do QA testing and send formal bug reports back to them; or do you just want a Universal binary of Photoshop as soon as possible?


macrumors newbie
Sep 3, 2006
Core Image

Does anybody have any information regarding Core Image inside the new Photoshop?

It would make sense!, instead of porting ALL of the old CS2 code to XCode, they could better start from "scratch". It is known that Apple has lot's and lot's of engineers over at Adobe helping with the transition, it could be possible!

If they could work together making the Core Image filters work at a Photoshop-quality level (if it isn't already), that would rock window's PS counterpart.


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
Gulpen said:
Does anybody have any information regarding Core Image inside the new Photoshop?
I doubt that it would show up as anything other than filter plugins. More interesting things, like adjustment layers or styles, would be hampered by the cross-platform problem.


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
MacsRgr8 said:

You made my day, tnx.

Remember that the G5 still is a very fast processor. Even UB games running native on both platforms (Doom 3, Quake 4, Halo 2, UT 2004) were faster on the Quad G5 than the Mac Pro tnx to the better grfx card.
If the G5 were a much slower CPU we would have found out that these heavy games would have had CPU-related performance issues. Ofcourse we can't be sure until the Mac Pro will get the X1900 XT grfx card in their test lab... but then the Mac Pro will have a better grfx card than the Quad G5... and so on.... :eek:

Yeah maybe those specs make it look closer, but in MP aware the Mac Pro beats the Quad G5 hands down, even under rosetta. And in AE rendering too at that!

Oddly enough, FCP rendering is slower on the MacPro than it is on the G5! And it is a UB. They compare a 2.66 to a G5 2.5 and they tie. So if there were an intel 2.5 it would have been slightly slower than the G5. Bizarre.


macrumors newbie
Sep 3, 2006
iMeowbot said:
I doubt that it would show up as anything other than filter plugins. More interesting things, like adjustment layers or styles, would be hampered by the cross-platform problem.

Thát is quite a good point actually, didn't thought about that. Possibly they could emulate the core image filters inside of the PS CS3 Windows version.. but that wouldn't give a good backward compatibility...
This made me feel sad


macrumors 68000
Jun 30, 2003
Motor City
Im excited about UB CS3. Until then, I will wait to go to a MacPro. Yes, Rosetta runs CS2 pretty decently. But, there is no point to spending the money on a new MacPro to be "as fast" as the G5 machines. Granted, other stuff runs very fast because its UB, but how quickly can Safari and iTunes really get? I rather save the $2500 I was going to spend on a MacPro, and get one next spring,when adobe goes universal, and I will get a better machine for the same $ (perhaps Octo-core?; def Rev B)

And note, Office (another major application) under Rosetta is a mess at times. Go try to convert font/languages in Powerpoint under Rosetta.

ITR 81

macrumors 65816
Oct 24, 2003
Even though they say 2ndQtr 07.

I think it will release at the end of this yr or by Macworld 07 in Jan.

But thats just me. I keep thinking Adobe has over est. it's time to have a uni ver. out.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2001
South of Boston, MA
~Shard~ said:
The CEO of Adobe himself said no UB apps until CS3, which is slated for Q2 '07. Unless the CEO retracts his statement, I'll take his word over anyone else's at this point in time thank you very much. :cool:
Yes he did say that and the CEO of Apple said we would be half way through the Intel transisiton in Mid 2006, yet here we are done.

Adobe knows that by releasing Universal apps will increase their revenue, since a majority of their customer base are Mac users and those people who will be early adopters are also those who are buying high end Apple Intel systems.

Dates and announce dates really mean nothing, they're only targets which are constantly moving and once a great while they move closer instead of further out (a rare example is again Apple's transition to Intel).


macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2002
swingerofbirch said:
We should be lucky Adobe releases a UB anytime at all.

They could just make a big announcement saying, "We love Bootcamp. CS2 and 3 for Windows run great in Bootcamp and we're gonna work with Apple to make sure that's the case."

You have to admit it takes a lot of resources to be working on two simultaneous versions of a huge product, especially when one version is limited to a rather small market, and COULD run with only version. To make two versions is a real commitment to the Mac OS. Just as Microsoft making the next version of Office UB is a commitment to the Mac OS.

Apple is doing great because of their small size--they are nimble and have made huge transitions, but they take their developers for a hell of a ride along the way!

i completely disagree that adobe would ever even think of killing off its mac version in favor of a boot camp option. While most computer users are running windows, half (give or take) of adobe's marketshare are mac users. if they did choose to just completly drop native mac production would mean a huge loss for adobe.

i have used bootcamp, and while i like it conceptionally, when it comes to actually using it, i hate it. While i may be alone in this, i don't like the concept of restarting the computer to work on a specific application. it is too ineffiecent. half of my stuff is on OSX the other half on windows. i am never in a place where i can just do everything. and rebooting over and over through out the day wastes so much time. I can think of a few isolated times where bootcamp would be a good solution, but for the most part it is a productivity killer. while parallels is great, it is still not for made for intensive applications.

lets me use this example as a demonstration: say that adobe did drop the mac version and the boot camp solution was the only option.

so when i get to work i turn on my computer to read email and do other things (boot into OSX). need to use photoshop (reboot into windows). have to email a proof to client - save file someplace accessable to both OSes (boot into OSX) send email work on word documents for indesign project. save files someplace accessable. (boot windows) work in indesign. use ichat to video conference with another client (OSX) open photoshop and make changes while talking to the client... (PROBLEM) ... this flipping of OSes would go on and on all day long never having a place to just get work donw.

If this is the case, apple is screwed as many many people who rely on adobe products are going to stop using OSX becouse it is such a pain to switch back and forth. Dual booting is not an ideal situation. Having two machines would be more feasable (albeit a lot more expensive) but would still mean working more to get things down (moving files back and forth, etc).

The truth is, adobe needs apple just as much as apple needs adobe. also, and this is just my theory, bootcamp as we know it now is not going to be what is released as dual booting is not as effiencent.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
whatever said:
Yes he did say that and the CEO of Apple said we would be half way through the Intel transisiton in Mid 2006, yet here we are done.

Yes, but that's the CEO of Apple. He's different. He's far superior to any other CEO in existence. All Hail His Holiness and his Mighty RDF! :D

<blissfully sips on his Kool-aid>


macrumors 68040
May 6, 2004
What's Your Favorite Posish
bretm said:
Yeah maybe those specs make it look closer, but in MP aware the Mac Pro beats the Quad G5 hands down, even under rosetta. And in AE rendering too at that!

Oddly enough, FCP rendering is slower on the MacPro than it is on the G5! And it is a UB. They compare a 2.66 to a G5 2.5 and they tie. So if there were an intel 2.5 it would have been slightly slower than the G5. Bizarre.

but not on photoshop like you claimed - and using just MP test is not like real life.


macrumors member
Jul 22, 2002
bretm said:
Everyone does remember that PS runs faster on the Mac Pro under Rosetta than it does natively on the quad G5, right?

It runs somethings faster and some things slower than a Quad...but here is the deal....Pro users have a cycle were they use a machine for x years and the buy another....That cycle is not 6 months, so NO professional is going to replace a Quad with an Intel in 6 what they are going after is the oes that bought a first generation G5 (me) how does a 3.0 Quad under Rosetta compare to a Dual 2.0 Ghz G5...its faster in every unless you have a Quad, the Intels are faster under Rosetta...They are CLOSE if not faster in some things than a Quad....So if you are waiting for for a UB of Photoshop and you have anything but a Quad you can have a faster machine now.


macrumors 6502
Feb 21, 2006
whatever said:
Yes he did say that and the CEO of Apple said we would be half way through the Intel transisiton in Mid 2006, yet here we are done.

Didn't he even say that they would start with the transition mid 2006? Then again I was wrong already once on this thread, so I might be again.


macrumors member
Jan 31, 2005
Oh yeah -- they're princes

Adobe has always been great about supporting the Apple & the mac.

Except for that whole no-FrameMaker-update thing. I may never get over it.


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
jrhone said:
It runs somethings faster and some things slower than a Quad...but here is the deal....Pro users have a cycle were they use a machine for x years and the buy another....That cycle is not 6 months, so NO professional is going to replace a Quad with an Intel in 6 what they are going after is the oes that bought a first generation G5 (me) how does a 3.0 Quad under Rosetta compare to a Dual 2.0 Ghz G5...its faster in every unless you have a Quad, the Intels are faster under Rosetta...They are CLOSE if not faster in some things than a Quad....So if you are waiting for for a UB of Photoshop and you have anything but a Quad you can have a faster machine now.

Exactly. As a small biz professional I'm still cranking out stuff with my Dual G4. I bought it to replace a 300mhz G4. And I bought that to replace a PowerComuting 604e. I've successfully skipped the G3 and G5 line alltogether.


macrumors 68000
Apr 12, 2002
BakedBeans said:
but not on photoshop like you claimed - and using just MP test is not like real life.

That test does show PS to be faster under rosetta. But yes, on MP aware functions. Not much point in comparing MP machines if you're not comparing MP functions.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2003
New York, NY
I was waiting to get rid of my iMac G5 until after CS3 came out, but that wait is getting a bit long. If a new 23" iMac w/ Merom comes out, anyone want to buy a last generation iMac G5 with 2.5GB of RAM? Yes, you heard me, 2.5GB.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Some_Big_Spoon said:
I was waiting to get rid of my iMac G5 until after CS3 came out, but that wait is getting a bit long. If a new 23" iMac w/ Merom comes out, anyone want to buy a last generation iMac G5 with 2.5GB of RAM? Yes, you heard me, 2.5GB.

The Marketplace is the best place for that question, not here...

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
digitalbiker said:
Adobe probably was well aware that Apple was working on Final Cut Pro. After it was released, they saw the writing on the wall and realized that the Apple market share was going to be too small for Adobe to compete in it against Final Cut Pro.

I might be misinterpreting what you meant here, but Apple's 3-5% marketshare of desktops overall just doesn't correlate to the pro app market - Apple's computers still dominate the creative market. Plus long-time Apple customers are often insanely loyal; so if Adobe and Apple come out with similar quality apps (and I'm not saying Premiere is anywhere near FCP), I'd bet most of those customers would go with the Apple solution.

I think the bottom line issue with Premiere on the Mac was just that it sucked compared to Final Cut, and Adobe realized they'd already lost that particular war - so the intelligent (but painful) business decision was made to simply concede the market.

The wild card in all this talk is: How many non-professionals purchase and use the Creative Suite? (and here we have to limit ourselves to legal sales rather than considering cracked versions, or when Billy Bob uses his install CD to put CS on several of his friends' computers). If it's a significant percentage of the overall CS market, then suddenly the overall marketshare distribution matters much more. My suspicion, based just on observation (so totally non-scientific), is that there aren't really a significant number of non-pro customers that buy the Suite, or even the full version of the individual apps - except for Acrobat, which is really a different market.


macrumors member
Feb 1, 2006
Like I said before....

(and no one seemed to notice) Quark just dropped there new version 7, this is Adobe trying to draw attention and any hype (if there was any) away from it. Simple as that. The apps are a long ways from being shipped.

Nuff said!
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