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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 20, 2011
Nottingham, UK
Hi, I bought some new Airpods Max this week with some bonus money and I love them. I have them paired them to my iMac, my work iMac and my iPhone 13. However, the last three times I have come to use them the battery is almost flat despite charging to full when I left them the day before. I manually disconnected them from the iMac and the phone but they still drain. I do not use the case but put them on a headphone holder.

Any thoughts as to why they keep connected and discharge? To keep manually disconnecting them from the iPad and iPhone is a PITA and I do not want to keep putting them inside a case.




macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
From my experience they never completely disconnect from a device without the case. Example; you can "disconnect" them from the Bluetooth settings in MacOS but after a few seconds they will reconnect if they are not in the case. Check to make sure you have the latest firmware as they did have massive battery drain issues when they first came out.

However, the stand you have them on simulates being on the head and these have automatic head detection on by default so they think you are wearing them because the cups are covered and won't go into a low power mode. You can try turning this off in the APM settings, take them off the stand/use a free floating stand, try the Apple case, and if all that doesn't work then they may have to be replaced which I've seen folks do multiple times.


macrumors 65816
Oct 14, 2020
Try a different stand that keeps them in a off the head position. If it still happens you got a defective paor
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