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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 16, 2011
It took a while for my mac mini newly updated to 12.3 to even recognize and connect using my airpods (2nd gen). When I went to try zoom the microphone, apparently, is not in stereo. When my webcam sounds better, yikes.

Anyone else with airpod/12.3 sound issues?


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
I’ve had issues with AirPods microphones in macOS for… well, at least a couple of years through several versions of macOS. I go into System Preferences > Sound > Input and force the system to use a different mic (internal mic, or in my case the mic in my external LG display). It’s rather annoying but it solves the problem so that’s the solution I’ve settled on; someone else might have a different solution for you.
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