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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 23, 2009
Hey all-

I got Airpods two days ago, and have been happy for the most part, until a recent discovery. My Airpods were sitting on my desk, haven't had them in for 40 mins or so, and I was on a call in a conference room about 30 feet away (or so.) I was on a phone call, on speakerphone, and every minute or two the phone's audio would cut out, and Airpods would now be selected and receiving the audio. Huge problem! If I manually select speakerphone, shouldn't it stay on that audio source? The one thing that might be enabling this issue is that I disabled the "in-ear detection" yesterday because they kept thinking they were falling out and pausing the audio, when they weren't actually falling out. Has anyone else had this issue? If I'm unable to figure this out/a fix isn't issued, this is an absolute deal breaker; being on a call and having the audio suddenly transfer sources?! I'm on an iPhone 8+ btw running 11.1.2.
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